Peng Z, Huang Q, Han Y. Model Research on Forecast of Second-Hand House Price in Chengdu Based on XGboost Algorithm[C] 2019 IEEE 11th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT). IEEE, 2019.该文献正确引用格式

时间: 2024-03-15 12:42:13 浏览: 21
Peng Z, Huang Q, Han Y. Model Research on Forecast of Second-Hand House Price in Chengdu Based on XGboost Algorithm[C]//2019 IEEE 11th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT). IEEE, 2019.

Visio.Shapes namedShapes = page.Shapes.ItemNamed["My Stencil Library - peng"];此句话的ItemNamed报错

在 Visio VBA 中,Shapes 对象没有 ItemNamed 属性。如果您想获取页面上特定名称的形状,请使用以下代码: ``` Dim namedShapes As Visio.Shapes Set namedShapes = page.Shapes.Item("My Stencil Library - peng") ``` 如果您想获取页面上名称为 "My Stencil Library - peng" 的形状,请使用以下代码: ``` Dim namedShape As Visio.Shape Set namedShape = page.Shapes("My Stencil Library - peng") ```

Unknown option --no-pause Run '.\frida-server.exe --help' to see a full list of available command line options.

非管理员权限下运行 Frida-server 时无法使用 `--no-pause` 参数,可以直接运行以下命令启动 Frida-server: ``` .\frida-server.exe ``` 如果 Frida-server 成功启动,则在命令提示符上显示如下类似信息: ``` C:\frida>.\frida-server.exe _____ (_____) | | Frida 12.11.18 - A world-class dynamic instrumentation framework | | | | Proper code attribution: |_____| (c) 2012-2021 Frida Software Inc. <> [12:34:56] Gadget v12.11.18 [12:34:56] Attaching device... [12:34:57] Device attached. [12:34:57] Loading HOOK libraries... [12:34:57] HOOK libraries loaded. [12:34:57] Starting IPC server... [12:34:57] IPC server listening on /data/local/tmp/frida-ipc-<device-id> ``` 现在,您可以在另一个命令提示符或者 Frida 的客户端程序中连接到 Frida-server,开始使用 Frida 进行应用程序的动态分析和调试。


用中文总结以下内容: A number of experimental and numerical investigations have been conducted to study the MBPP stack and wavy flow field characteristics with various designs [10,11]. T. Chu et al. conducted the durability test of a 10-kW MBPP fuel cell stack containing 30 cells under dynamic driving cycles and analyzed the performance degradation mechanism [12]. X. Li et al. studied the deformation behavior of the wavy flow channels with thin metallic sheet of 316 stainless steel from both experimental and simulation aspects [13]. J. Owejan et al. designed a PEMFC stack with anode straight flow channels and cathode wavy flow channels and studied the in situ water distributions with neutron radiograph [14]. T. Tsukamoto et al. simulated a full-scale MBPP fuel cell stack of 300 cm2 active area at high current densities and used the 3D model to analyze the in-plane and through-plane parameter distributions [15]. G. Zhang et al. developed a two-fluid 3D model of PEMFC to study the multi-phase and convection effects of wave-like flow channels which are symmetric between anode and cathode sides [16]. S. Saco et al. studied the scaled up PEMFC numerically and compared straight parallel, serpentine zig-zag and straight zig-zag flow channels cell with zig-zag flow field with a transient 3D numerical model to analyze the subfreezing temperature cold start operations [18]. P. Dong et al. introduced discontinuous S-shaped and crescent ribs into flow channels based on the concept of wavy flow field for optimized design and improved energy performance [19]. I. Anyanwu et al. investigated the two-phase flow in sinusoidal channel of different geometric configurations for PEMFC and analyzed the effects of key dimensions on the droplet removal in the flow channel [20]. Y. Peng et al. simulated 5-cell stacks with commercialized flow field designs, including Ballard-like straight flow field, Honda-like wavy flow field and Toyota-like 3D mesh flow field, to investigate their thermal management performance [21]. To note, the terms such as sinusoidal, zig-zag, wave-like and Sshaped flow channels in the aforementioned literatures are similar to the so called wavy flow channels in this paper with identical channel height for the entire flow field. The through-plane constructed wavy flow channels with periodically varied channel heights are beyond the scope of this paper [22,23].



实战 BIRT 系列-Deng Peng Zhou (, 软件工程师, IBM

BIRT- Deng Peng Zhou (, 软件工程师, IBM 我是学习此文档学会的。 有问题加java 群83097537!

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![MATLAB归一化方法大比拼:5种方法,哪种最适合你的数据?]( # 1. MATLAB归一化概述 归一化是一种数据预处理技术,用于将数据缩放到特定范围内,从而消除不同特征之间的尺度差异。在MATLAB中,有各种归一化方法可用于不同类型的数据和应用程序。 归一化的主要目的是: - 提高模型的训练效率和准确性,通过消除特征之间的尺度差异,使模型能够更有效地学习

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多样性她- 事实上SCI NCES你的时间表ECOLEDO C Tora SC和NCESPOUR l’Ingén学习互动,互动学习以行动为中心的强化学习学会互动,互动学习,以行动为中心的强化学习计算机科学博士论文于2021年9月28日在Villeneuve d'Asq公开支持马修·瑟林评审团主席法布里斯·勒菲弗尔阿维尼翁大学教授论文指导奥利维尔·皮耶昆谷歌研究教授:智囊团论文联合主任菲利普·普雷教授,大学。里尔/CRISTAL/因里亚报告员奥利维耶·西格德索邦大学报告员卢多维奇·德诺耶教授,Facebook /索邦大学审查员越南圣迈IMT Atlantic高级讲师邀请弗洛里安·斯特鲁布博士,Deepmind对于那些及时看到自己错误的人...3谢谢你首先,我要感谢我的两位博士生导师Olivier和Philippe。奥利维尔,"站在巨人的肩膀上"这句话对你来说完全有意义了。从科学上讲,你知道在这篇论文的(许多)错误中,你是我可以依


![MATLAB归一化实战指南:从零到一,轻松提升模型性能]( # 1. 归一化的理论基础** 归一化是一种数据预处理技术,旨在将数据缩放到特定范围内,通常是[0, 1]或[-1, 1]。通过归一化,可以消除数据量纲上的差异,使不同特征具有可比性,从而提高机器学习模型的性能。 归一化背后的基本原理是,在训练机器学习模型时,模型的学习过程会受到数据分布的影响。如果数据分布不均匀,某些特征可能具有较大的值域,而其他特征的值域较小。这会导致模型在训练过

File path = new File(ResourceUtils.getURL("classpath:static").getPath());

这段代码的作用是获取项目中静态资源文件夹的路径,其中`ResourceUtils.getURL("classpath:static")`表示获取`classpath`下的`static`文件夹的URL,`getPath()`方法则将URL转换成文件路径。最终得到的`File`对象可以用于读取或写入静态资源文件。需要注意的是,这段代码只适用于Spring Boot项目,因为它使用了Spring的`ResourceUtils`类。如果不是Spring Boot项目,可能需要使用其他方式获取静态资源文件夹的路径。


加密解密,曾经是我一个毕业设计的重要组件。在工作了多年以后回想当时那个加密、 解密算法,实在是太单纯了。 言归正传,这里我们主要描述Java已经实现的一些加密解密算法,最后介绍数字证书。 如基本的单向加密算法: ● BASE64 严格地说,属于编码格式,而非加密算法 ● MD5(Message Digest algorithm 5,信息摘要算法) ● SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm,安全散列算法) ● HMAC(Hash Message AuthenticationCode,散列消息鉴别码) 复杂的对称加密(DES、PBE)、非对称加密算法: ● DES(Data Encryption Standard,数据加密算法) ● PBE(Password-based encryption,基于密码验证) ● RSA(算法的名字以发明者的名字命名:Ron Rivest, AdiShamir 和Leonard Adleman) ● DH(Diffie-Hellman算法,密钥一致协议) ● DSA(Digital Signature Algorithm,数字签名) ● ECC(Elliptic Curves Cryptography,椭圆曲线密码编码学) 本篇内容简要介绍 BASE64、MD5、SHA、HMAC 几种方法。 MD5、SHA、HMAC 这三种加密算法,可谓是非可逆加密,就是不可解密的加密方法。我 们通常只把他们作为加密的基础。单纯的以上三种的加密并不可靠。 BASE64 按照 RFC2045 的定义,Base64 被定义为:Base64 内容传送编码被设计用来把任意序列 的 8 位字节描述为一种不易被人直接识别的形式。(The Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding is designed to represent arbitrary sequences of octets in a form that need not be humanly readable.) 常见于邮件、http 加密,截取 http 信息,你就会发现登录操作的用户名、密码字段通 过 BASE64 加密的。 通过 java 代码实现如下: