时间: 2024-04-10 17:27:20 浏览: 142
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_LENGTH 100
void findCommonWord(char* sentence1, char* sentence2, char* result) {
char* word1 = strtok(sentence1, " ");
char* longestCommonWord = "";
while (word1 != NULL) {
char* word2 = strtok(sentence2, " ");
while (word2 != NULL) {
if (strcmp(word1, word2) == 0 && strlen(word1) > strlen(longestCommonWord)) {
longestCommonWord = word1;
word2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
word1 = strtok(NULL, " ");
strcpy(result, longestCommonWord);
int main() {
char sentence1[MAX_LENGTH];
char sentence2[MAX_LENGTH];
char commonWord[MAX_LENGTH];
printf("Enter the first sentence: ");
fgets(sentence1, sizeof(sentence1), stdin);
sentence1[strcspn(sentence1, "\n")] = '\0';
printf("Enter the second sentence: ");
fgets(sentence2, sizeof(sentence2), stdin);
sentence2[strcspn(sentence2, "\n")] = '\0';
findCommonWord(sentence1, sentence2, commonWord);
if (strlen(commonWord) > 0) {
printf("The longest common word is: %s\n", commonWord);
} else {
printf("No common word found.\n");
return 0;