SRAM verilog
时间: 2023-08-14 09:08:30 浏览: 144
SRAM的Verilog设计通常包括读写控制逻辑、地址译码器、数据输入输出缓冲器等模块。以下是一个简单的1K x 8位SRAM的Verilog代码示例:
module sram (
input clk, wr, rd, reset,
input [9:0] addr,
input [7:0],
output reg [7:0] dout
reg [7:0] mem [0:1023];
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
dout <= 8'h00;
end else if (rd) begin
dout <= mem[addr];
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
mem <= 8'h00;
end else if (wr) begin
mem[addr] <= din;
sram verilog
SRAM (Static Random-Access Memory) 是一种静态随机存取存储器,用于存储和读取数据。Verilog 是一种硬件描述语言,可用于设计和模拟电子系统。
在 Verilog 中,可以使用以下语法来描述 SRAM:
module sram (input wire clk, input wire we, input wire [address_width-1:0] addr,
input wire [data_width-1:0] data_in, output wire [data_width-1:0] data_out);
reg [data_width-1:0] memory [0:2**address_width-1];
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (we)
memory[addr] <= data_in;
assign data_out = memory[addr];
在上述代码中,`sram` 模块接受时钟信号 `clk`、写使能信号 `we`、地址信号 `addr` 和输入数据信号 `data_in`。它还输出从指定地址读取的数据信号 `data_out`。
SRAM 存储器被实现为一个 `memory` 数组,数组大小为 2 的 `address_width` 次方减一。在上升沿时,如果写使能信号为高电平,则将输入数据写入指定地址的存储单元。然后,将从指定地址读取的数据赋值给输出数据信号。
请注意,这只是 SRAM 的简化 Verilog 描述示例,实际的 SRAM 设计可能需要更多的功能和控制信号。
SRAM Verilog
SRAM, short for Static Random Access Memory, is a type of memory that retains data as long as power is supplied to it. Verilog is a hardware description language widely used in electronic design automation to model and simulate digital systems.
To implement an SRAM module in Verilog, you can define a module with input and output ports for address, data, read/write control signals, and power supply. Here's an example of a basic 1-bit SRAM module:
module sram_1bit (
input wire clk,
input wire enable,
input wire write,
input wire [7:0] address,
input wire [7:0] data_in,
output reg [7:0] data_out
reg [7:0] memory [255:0]; // 256x8 memory array
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (enable) begin
if (write)
memory[address] <= data_in;
data_out <= memory[address];
In this example, the SRAM module has a clock input (`clk`), an enable signal (`enable`) to enable the memory operation, a write signal (`write`) to select read or write operation, an address bus (`address`) to specify the memory location, a data input bus (`data_in`) for write operations, and a data output bus (`data_out`) for read operations.
The internal memory array is declared as `reg [7:0] memory [255:0]`, representing a 256x8 memory. The data is stored or retrieved from the memory array based on the control signals and address.
Note that this is a simplified example demonstrating the basic structure of an SRAM module in Verilog. In practice, you may need to add additional features like timing control, address decoding, and more robust error handling.