帮我用c语言写一段代码:A word is a sequence characters such that each of them is not a whitespace, nor a \0. Find the first token in a CS;函数名为Chars find_word;形式参数为const char* cs, Uint len;Find the first (left-most) token in the CS. If found, return a Chars whose addr is of the first character in the token, and whose len is the number of chars in the token. Otherwise, an empty Chars is returned (with NULL addr and 0 len).
时间: 2023-02-16 18:51:39 浏览: 184
typedef struct {
const char* addr;
Uint len;
} Chars;
Chars find_word(const char* cs, Uint len) {
Chars result = {NULL, 0};
for (Uint i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (cs[i] != ' ' && cs[i] != '\0') {
result.addr = cs + i;
result.len = 1;
return result;
该代码将从 CS 的开头开始遍历字符串,找到第一个非空格和非 NULL 字符,并返回包含该字符的 Chars 结构体。如果找不到,则返回一个 addr 和 len 均为 NULL 的空 Chars 结构体。