if /I "%action%"=="6" ( set path=%CusPath% echo Your current path is %CusPath% set /p modify_set=Do you want to modify it ?(Y/N): if "%modify_set%"=="Y" | "%modify_set%"=="y" ( set /p path=Please enter your desired path: ) set /p describe=If you want to add some description, you can do so here: goto Other )
时间: 2024-04-09 19:28:36 浏览: 108
if /I "%action%"=="6" (
rem 将CusPath赋值给path变量
set path=%CusPath%
echo Your current path is %CusPath%
rem 询问用户是否要修改路径
set /p modify_set=Do you want to modify it? (Y/N):
if "%modify_set%"=="Y" | "%modify_set%"=="y" (
rem 允许用户输入新的路径
set /p path=Please enter your desired path:
rem 让用户输入一些描述信息
set /p describe=If you want to add some description, you can do so here:
rem 跳转到Other标签处执行其他操作
goto Other
需要注意的是,这段代码中使用了`set path=`来设置变量`path`的值。然而,`path`是一个系统环境变量,用于指定系统在哪些目录中搜索可执行文件。因此,如果你想设置一个自定义的变量来存储路径,最好使用其他变量名,以免与系统环境变量冲突。