how to use CToolTipCtrl in mfc application
时间: 2023-07-29 20:06:00 浏览: 143
CToolTipCtrl is a MFC class that provides the functionality of a tooltip control in an MFC application. Here are the steps to use CToolTipCtrl in an MFC application:
1. Create a CToolTipCtrl object:
```CToolTipCtrl m_ToolTip;```
2. Initialize the CToolTipCtrl object in the OnInitDialog function of your dialog:
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
// Create the tooltip control
// Add a tooltip for a control
m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_MYCONTROL), _T("My Tooltip"));
return TRUE;
3. Add a tooltip for a control using the AddTool method:
m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_MYCONTROL), _T("My Tooltip"));
This method takes two parameters: the control that the tooltip is associated with, and the text of the tooltip.
4. Handle the WM_MOUSEMOVE message in your dialog to display the tooltip:
BOOL CMyDialog::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
// Pass mouse messages to the tooltip control
return CDialogEx::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
This method handles the WM_MOUSEMOVE message and passes it to the tooltip control using the RelayEvent method.
That's it! Now when the user moves the mouse over the control, the tooltip will be displayed. You can also customize the appearance of the tooltip using the SetTipBkColor, SetTipTextColor, and SetTipFont methods.