res = xlsread('Copy_of_数据集.xlsx'); input = res((1:120), 2:6)'; % 载入输入数据 output = res((1:120), 7:9)'; % 载入输出数据 % 划分训练集和测试集 input_train = input(:, 1:80); output_train = output(:, 1:80); input_test = input(:, 81:100); output_test = output(:, 81:100); % 归一化 [input_train_n, input_ps] = mapminmax(input_train, -1, 1); [output_train_n, output_ps] = mapminmax(output_train, -1, 1); % 建立模型 input_num = size(input_train_n, 1); % 输入层节点数量 hidden_num = 10; % 隐含层节点数量 output_num = size(output_train_n, 1); % 输出层节点数量 net = newff(input_train_n, output_train_n, hidden_num, {'tansig','purelin'}, 'trainlm'); net.trainParam.epochs = 15000; = 0.01; net.trainParam.goal = 0.0001; % 训练模型 [net, tr] = train(net, input_train_n, output_train_n); % 测试模型 input_test_n = mapminmax('apply', input_test, input_ps); output_test_n = mapminmax('apply', output_test, output_ps); output_pred_n = sim(net, input_test_n); %%反归一化 output_test_pred = mapminmax('reverse', output_pred_n, output_ps); output_test_pred = round(output_test_pred); % 四舍五入取整 %%绘制预测结果和真实结果的对比图 figure; plot(output_test(1,:), 'bo-'); hold on; plot(output_test_pred(1,:), 'r*-'); legend('真实结果', '预测结果'); xlabel('样本编号'); ylabel('输出值'); title('预测结果和真实结果');这段程序当中如果进行五哈补偿的话怎么操作
时间: 2023-12-22 14:04:33 浏览: 150
input = input - wh * mean(input);
[input_train_n, input_ps] = mapminmax(input - wh * mean(input), -1, 1);
input_test_n = mapminmax('apply', input_test - wh * mean(input), input_ps);
代码解读,xlswrite('A_science_city_complexity.xlsx',city_complexity,'Sheet1','F2'); [num,txt,AAA]=xlsread('rca_2000.xlsx','Sheet1','A1:E306'); xlswrite('A_science_city_complexity.xlsx',AAA,'Sheet1','A1'); [num1,txt1]=xlsread('biaotou_city.xlsx','Sheet1','F1:T1'); xlswrite('A_science_city_complexity.xlsx',txt1,'Sheet1','F1');
这段代码是用 MATLAB 编写的,主要功能是将数据写入 Excel 文件中。具体来说,第一行代码将名为 city_complexity 的变量写入名为 A_science_city_complexity.xlsx 的 Excel 文件的 Sheet1 中的 F2 单元格中。第二行代码从名为 rca_2000.xlsx 的 Excel 文件的 Sheet1 中读取数据,并将其存储在 num、txt 和 AAA 三个变量中。第三行代码将 AAA 变量写入名为 A_science_city_complexity.xlsx 的 Excel 文件的 Sheet1 中的 A1 单元格中。第四行代码从名为 biaotou_city.xlsx 的 Excel 文件的 Sheet1 中读取数据,并将其存储在 txt1 变量中。最后一行代码将 txt1 变量写入名为 A_science_city_complexity.xlsx 的 Excel 文件的 Sheet1 中的 F1 单元格中。
D1 = xlsread('data.xlsx',1,'B2:Y25');
As an AI language model, I cannot access local files, but I can explain what this line of code does in MATLAB.
The function 'xlsread' in MATLAB is used to read numerical data from Excel spreadsheets.
The first argument 'data.xlsx' specifies the name of the Excel file that is being read.
The second argument '1' specifies the sheet number or name to read from. In this case, it is the first sheet.
The third argument 'B2:Y25' specifies the range of cells to read in the form of 'startcell:endcell'.
The output of this line of code is a matrix 'D1' that contains the numerical values from the specified range of cells in the Excel file.