优化这段代码 if( DBData[i] >= RT1064KZZ_GL1_ALM && DBData[i] <= RT1064KZZ_KZHL && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_MODE && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE) { LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)gcszOnOff[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { LCD_DisString_Not((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)gcszOnOff[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); } } } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_MODE) { LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)ModeName[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { LCD_DisString_Not((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)ModeName[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); } } } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE ) { if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS) { LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)FBS_NAME[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { LCD_DisString_Not((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)FBS_NAME[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); } } } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE ) { LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)FBS_MODE_NAME[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { LCD_DisString_Not((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)FBS_MODE_NAME[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); } } } } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) { sprintf(szVal, "%0.f" , get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])); LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 19 , szVal); if(DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 24, (char *)"次"); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT,UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i],i,bit); } } }

时间: 2024-02-03 14:11:38 浏览: 18
可以考虑将重复的代码抽象成一个函数,然后在需要的地方调用该函数。具体来说,可以把以下部分抽象成一个函数: ``` LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)gcszOnOff[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { LCD_DisString_Not((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)gcszOnOff[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); } } ``` 然后可以把其他类似的代码也进行抽象。这样可以大大简化代码,增强可读性。

优化这段代码 if( DBData[i] >= RT1064KZZ_GL1_ALM && DBData[i] <= RT1064KZZ_KZHL && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_MODE && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE) { (isDraw ? LCD_DisString_Not((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)gcszOnOff[(int)val]) : LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)gcszOnOff[(int)val]) ); } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_MODE) { (isDraw ? LCD_DisString_Not((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)ModeName[(int)val]) : LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)ModeName[(int)val]) ); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE ) { (isDraw ? LCD_DisString_Not((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)FBS_NAME[(int)val]) : LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)FBS_NAME[(int)val]) ); } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) { sprintf(szVal, "%0.f" , val); LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 19 , szVal); if(DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 24, (char *)"次"); if (isDraw == 1) len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT,UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i],i,bit); } else { sprintf(szVal, "%0.3f" , get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])); LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 19, szVal); if (DBData[i] >= RT1064_YS_GL1 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_YS_FBS_JY) LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 25, (char *)"S"); else if ((DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_GL1 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_I02) || ((DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_PHASE_I && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_I0DLT) && DBData[i] != RT1064_DZ_YL_HAR && DBData[i] != RT1064_DZ_LMJ) || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_SD || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_I0HJS || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_FC_CHZ || (DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_I03 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_FBS_I0)|| DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_FBS_OL) { LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 25, (char *)"A"); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_LMJ || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_JC || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_GYJC) { LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 25, (char *)"°"); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_YL_HAR) LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 25, (char *)"%"); else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_IDS ||DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_OPENCS || (DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_I03 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_FBS_I0)) { LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 24, (char *)"次"); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_DP || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_GP) { LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 25, (char *)"HZ"); } else LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 25, (char *)"V"); if (isDraw == 1)len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT,UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i],i,bit); }

这段代码可以优化的地方有: 1. 将重复的代码提取出来,避免重复书写。例如,多次调用 `LCD_DisString` 可以提取出来作为一个函数,减少代码重复。 2. 将一些条件语句的判断条件提取出来,避免重复书写。例如,多次使用 `DBData[i]` 的值进行判断,可以将它提取出来,避免重复书写。 3. 使用 switch 语句来替换多个 if-else 语句,使代码更加清晰。 4. 对于 `sprintf(szVal, "%0.3f" , get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i]))` 这一行代码,可以考虑使用 snprintf 函数来避免缓冲区溢出。 下面是一个优化后的代码示例: ``` void displayData(int i, int isDraw, float val, char* szVal, int len) { if (DBData[i] >= RT1064KZZ_GL1_ALM && DBData[i] <= RT1064KZZ_KZHL && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_MODE && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE) { displayString(i, isDraw, val, gcszOnOff, (i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 20); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_MODE) { displayString(i, isDraw, val, ModeName, (i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 20); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE) { displayString(i, isDraw, val, FBS_NAME, (i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 20); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) { snprintf(szVal, sizeof(szVal), "%0.f", val); LCD_DisString((i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 19, szVal); if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) { LCD_DisString((i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 24, (char *)"次"); } if (isDraw == 1) { len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT, UNIT_GAP_RT1064, gapid, DBData[i], i, bit); } } else { snprintf(szVal, sizeof(szVal), "%0.3f", get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064, gapid, DBData[i])); LCD_DisString((i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 19, szVal); if (DBData[i] >= RT1064_YS_GL1 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_YS_FBS_JY) { LCD_DisString((i % 9) + 1, 25, (char *)"S"); } else if ((DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_GL1 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_I02) || ((DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_PHASE_I && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_I0DLT) && DBData[i] != RT1064_DZ_YL_HAR && DBData[i] != RT1064_DZ_LMJ) || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_SD || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_I0HJS || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_FC_CHZ || (DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_I03 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_FBS_I0)|| DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_FBS_OL) { LCD_DisString((i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 25, (char *)"A"); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_LMJ || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_JC || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_GYJC) { LCD_DisString((i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 25, (char *)"°"); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_YL_HAR) { LCD_DisString((i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 25, (char *)"%"); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_IDS || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_OPENCS || (DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_I03 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_FBS_I0)) { LCD_DisString((i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 24, (char *)"次"); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_DP || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_GP) { LCD_DisString((i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 25, (char *)"HZ"); } else { LCD_DisString((i % LISTOFFSET) + 1, 25, (char *)"V"); } if (isDraw == 1) { len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT, UNIT_GAP_RT1064, gapid, DBData[i], i, bit); } } } void displayString(int i, int isDraw, float val, char** stringArray, int x, int y) { (isDraw ? LCD_DisString_Not(x, y, (char *)stringArray[(int)val]) : LCD_DisString(x, y, (char *)stringArray[(int)val])); } ```

帮我优化这段代码 val = get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i]); if( DBData[i] >= RT1064KZZ_GL1_ALM && DBData[i] <= RT1064KZZ_KZHL && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_MODE && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE) { displayString(isDraw,gcszOnOff[(int)val],(i%LISTOFFSET)+1,20); } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_MODE) { displayString(isDraw,ModeName[(int)val],(i%LISTOFFSET)+1,20); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE ) { displayString(isDraw,(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS ?FBS_NAME[(int)val] :FBS_MODE_NAME[(int)val]),(i%LISTOFFSET)+1,20); } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) { sprintf(szVal, "%0.f" , val); LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 19 , szVal); if(DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 24, (char *)"次"); if (isDraw == 1) len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT,UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i],i,bit); } else { sprintf(szVal, "%0.3f" , get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])); LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 19, szVal); if (DBData[i] >= RT1064_YS_GL1 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_YS_FBS_JY) LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 25, (char *)"S"); else if ((DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_GL1 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_I02) || ((DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_PHASE_I && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_I0DLT) && DBData[i] != RT1064_DZ_YL_HAR && DBData[i] != RT1064_DZ_LMJ) || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_SD || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_I0HJS || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_FC_CHZ || (DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_I03 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_FBS_I0)|| DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_FBS_OL) { LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 25, (char *)"A"); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_LMJ || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_JC || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_GYJC) { LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 25, (char *)"°"); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_YL_HAR) LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 25, (char *)"%"); else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_IDS ||DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_OPENCS || (DBData[i] >= RT1064_DZ_I03 && DBData[i] <= RT1064_DZ_FBS_I0)) { LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 24, (char *)"次"); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_DP || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_GP) { LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 25, (char *)"HZ"); } else LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 25, (char *)"V"); if (isDraw == 1)len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT,UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i],i,bit); }

首先,可以看到在代码中有很多重复的部分,比如调用`get_ActionDZInfo_val`函数、调用`sprintf`函数、调用`LCD_DisString`函数等。我们可以将这些重复的部分抽象成一个函数,减少代码的冗余。 其次,可以将一些常量和字符串存储到数组中,这样可以减少代码中的硬编码,提高可读性和可维护性。 最后,可以使用条件语句合并一些相似的逻辑,减少代码重复。 以下是重构后的代码: ``` const char* UNIT_NAME[] = {"V", "A", "S", "°", "%", "次", "HZ"}; const char* FBS_NAME[] = {"常开", "常闭"}; const char* FBS_MODE_NAME[] = {"标准", "反向"}; const char* ModeName[] = {"单相", "三相"}; void displayData(int isDraw, float val, int data, int i, int gapid, int bit) { char szVal[16]; int x = (i % LISTOFFSET) + 1; if (data >= RT1064KZZ_GL1_ALM && data <= RT1064KZZ_KZHL && data != RT1064KZZ_MODE && data != RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH && data != RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH && data != RT1064KZZ_FBS && data != RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE) { displayString(isDraw, UNIT_NAME[(int)val], x, 20); } else if (data == RT1064KZZ_MODE) { displayString(isDraw, ModeName[(int)val], x, 20); } else if (data == RT1064KZZ_FBS || data == RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE) { displayString(isDraw, (data == RT1064KZZ_FBS ? FBS_NAME[(int)val] : FBS_MODE_NAME[(int)val]), x, 20); } else if (data == RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH || data == RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH || data == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) { sprintf(szVal, "%0.f", val); LCD_DisString(x, 19, szVal); if (data == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) { LCD_DisString(x, 24, "次"); } if (isDraw == 1) { len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT, UNIT_GAP_RT1064, gapid, data, i, bit); } } else { sprintf(szVal, "%0.3f", get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064, gapid, data)); LCD_DisString(x, 19, szVal); int index = -1; if (data >= RT1064_YS_GL1 && data <= RT1064_YS_FBS_JY) { index = 2; } else if ((data >= RT1064_DZ_GL1 && data <= RT1064_DZ_I02) || ((data >= RT1064_DZ_PHASE_I && data <= RT1064_DZ_I0DLT) && data != RT1064_DZ_YL_HAR && data != RT1064_DZ_LMJ) || data == RT1064_DZ_SD || data == RT1064_DZ_I0HJS || data == RT1064_DZ_FC_CHZ || (data >= RT1064_DZ_I03 && data <= RT1064_DZ_FBS_I0) || data == RT1064_DZ_FBS_OL) { index = 1; } else if (data == RT1064_DZ_LMJ || data == RT1064_DZ_JC || data == RT1064_DZ_GYJC) { index = 3; } else if (data == RT1064_DZ_YL_HAR) { index = 4; } else if (data == RT1064_DZ_IDS || data == RT1064_DZ_OPENCS || (data >= RT1064_DZ_I03 && data <= RT1064_DZ_FBS_I0)) { LCD_DisString(x, 24, "次"); } else if (data == RT1064_DZ_DP || data == RT1064_DZ_GP) { index = 6; } if (index != -1) { LCD_DisString(x, 25, UNIT_NAME[index]); } if (isDraw == 1) { len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT, UNIT_GAP_RT1064, gapid, data, i, bit); } } } for (int i = 0; i < DBData.size(); i++) { float val = get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064, gapid, DBData[i]); displayData(isDraw, val, DBData[i], i, gapid, bit); } ```


优化这段代码 if(i > num - 1) break; isDraw = (not == 2 && (draw == i+1)); if (DBData[i] != RT1064_YS_YYDD && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FC_CHZ ) LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 0, gRunPara.gap_ActionDZInfo[gapid][DBData[i]].szName); if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FC_CHZ) LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 0, (char *)"大电流闭锁重合闸"); if (DBData[i] == RT1064_YS_YYDD) LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 0, (char *)"重合闸检有压时间"); val = get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i]); if( DBData[i] >= RT1064KZZ_GL1_ALM && DBData[i] <= RT1064KZZ_KZHL && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_MODE && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE) { (isDraw ? LCD_DisString_Not((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)gcszOnOff[(int)val]) : LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)gcszOnOff[(int)val]) ); } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_MODE) { (isDraw ? LCD_DisString_Not((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)ModeName[(int)val]) : LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)ModeName[(int)val]) ); } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE ) { (isDraw ? LCD_DisString_Not((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)FBS_NAME[(int)val]) : LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 20,(char *)FBS_NAME[(int)val]) ); } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) { sprintf(szVal, "%0.f" , val); LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 19 , szVal); if(DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 24, (char *)"次"); if (isDraw == 1) len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT,UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i],i,bit); }

优化这段代码 if( DBData[i] >= RT1064KZZ_GL1_ALM && DBData[i] <= RT1064KZZ_KZHL && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_MODE && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS && DBData[i] != RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE) { LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)gcszOnOff[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { LCD_DisString_Not((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)gcszOnOff[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); } } } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_MODE) { LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)ModeName[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { LCD_DisString_Not((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)ModeName[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); } } } else if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE ) { if (DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS) { LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)FBS_NAME[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { LCD_DisString_Not((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)FBS_NAME[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); } } } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_FBS_MODE ) { LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)FBS_MODE_NAME[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { LCD_DisString_Not((i%9)+1, 20, (char *)FBS_MODE_NAME[(int)get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])]); } } } } else if(DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UAB_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064KZZ_UBC_CH || DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) { sprintf(szVal, "%0.f" , get_ActionDZInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i])); LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 19 , szVal); if(DBData[i] == RT1064_DZ_CHZCS) LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 24, (char *)"次"); if (not == 2) { if(draw == (i+1)) { len = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_PROTECT,UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,DBData[i],i,bit); } } }

sprintf(szVal, "%0.3f" , val); LCD_DisString((i%9)+1, 19, szVal); Pro_szUnit(DBData[i],i); if (isDraw == 1) val = LCD_BitModify(val,draw); ikey = Lcd_Recvfun2(); switch(ikey) { case LCD_KEY_UP: bit = 0; if (not == 2) { if (draw > page + 1 && draw <= line) draw = draw - 1; } break; case LCD_KEY_DOWN: bit = 0; if (not == 2) { if(draw < i) if (draw < line) draw = draw + 1; } break; case LCD_KEY_ADD: break; case LCD_KEY_DECREASE: break; case LCD_KEY_Left: if (not == 1) { change = 0; if(page < 9) continue; if(page >= 9) { page = page - 9; line = line - 9; } } break; case LCD_KEY_RIGHT: if (not == 1) { change = 0; if(line >= num) continue; if(page < num) { page = page + 9; line = line + 9; } } break; case LCD_KEY_ENTER: not = 2; bit = 0; break; case LCD_KEY_CANCEL: change = 0; if(not > 0) --not; draw = 0; if (not == 0) return; break; default: break; } } 这段代码中的LCD_BitModify函数也会运行ikey = Lcd_Recvfun2(); switch(ikey) { case LCD_KEY_UP: bit = 0; if (not == 2) { if (draw > page + 1 && draw <= line) draw = draw - 1; } break; case LCD_KEY_DOWN: bit = 0; if (not == 2) { if(draw < i) if (draw < line) draw = draw + 1; } break; case LCD_KEY_ADD: break; case LCD_KEY_DECREASE: break; case LCD_KEY_Left: if (not == 1) { change = 0; if(page < 9) continue; if(page >= 9) { page = page - 9; line = line - 9; } } break; case LCD_KEY_RIGHT: if (not == 1) { change = 0; if(line >= num) continue; if(page < num) { page = page + 9; line = line + 9; } } break; case LCD_KEY_ENTER: not = 2; bit = 0; break; case LCD_KEY_CANCEL: change = 0; if(not > 0) --not; draw = 0; if (not == 0) return; break; default:break; }怎么使它们互不干扰

在mysql数据里有一张表,建表语句如下: CREATE TABLE audit_bin_info ( BIN_PID int(8) NOT NULL, HOST_NAME varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL , SOCK_ID int(8) DEFAULT NULL , BIN_STS tinyint(2) DEFAULT NULL , BOOT_NAME varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, CHANNEL_ID tinyint(2) DEFAULT NULL , START_DATE datetime DEFAULT NULL , UPDATE_DATE datetime DEFAULT NULL, MODULE_NAME varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, BUSI_CONTENT varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL, TASK_STS smallint(4) DEFAULT NULL , ID bigint(15) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (ID) USING BTREE, KEY IDX_BIN_INFO (BOOT_NAME,MODULE_NAME,CHANNEL_ID) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=16766000 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 帮我写一个c++的函数,函数定义如下: void CMonitorBase::binlogToDb( const AISTD string & strBinName, const AISTD string & strBinType, const CClientList & listClient, const AISTD string &m_strChannelId, otl_connect& ocDbConn) 它需求实现以下功能: 1、使用otl_stream查询audit_bin_info表,查询语句为select id, bin_pid, host_name, sock_id from audit_bin_info where boot_name='"+strBinName+"' and module_name='"+strBinType+"' and channel_id = " + m_strChannelId;将查到数据保存在一个vector结构中; 2、将查到的表数据跟listClient中的数据做比较,比较条件为表数据中的bin_pid, host_name, sock_id分别和CClient结构中的m_iAppId,m_strHostName,m_iSockId,都相等,则认为找到数据。 3、如果在listClient中找到相等的数据,则根据找到的数据update表中的数据,需要更新的字段为BIN_STS, START_DATE, BUSI_CONTENT,TASK_STS,UPDATE_DATE,前4个字段对别对应CClient结构中的m_nClientSts,dtmBoot,m_strBusiContent,m_nTaskSts,UPDATE_DATE取系统时间; 如果在listClient中没找到相等的数据,则根据id值删除audit_bin_info表中的数据; 最后如果是listClient中多出来的数据,需要插入到audit_bin_info表中; 其中CClient和CClientList的定义如下: class CClient { public: long m_idx; int32 m_iSockId; int32 m_iAppId; int64 m_llTaskId; int16 m_nTaskSts; int16 m_nClientSts; int16 m_nMaxTask; int16 m_nChannelId; AISTD string m_strBusiContent; AISTD string m_strHostName; INT64LIST m_listDetail; AISTD string m_strSpecSts; CBSDateTime dtmBoot; AISTD string m_strRetMsg; int16 m_nStatus; int16 m_nDispEsc; CClient() : m_idx(0), m_iSockId(0), m_iAppId(0), m_llTaskId(0), m_nTaskSts(0), m_nClientSts(1), m_nMaxTask(1), m_nChannelId(0), m_strSpecSts("0"), m_nStatus(0), m_nDispEsc(0) { dtmBoot = CBSDateTime::currentDateTime(); }; }; typedef AISTD vector<CClient*> CClientList;







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MobaXterm 工具




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JSBSim Reference Manual



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【实战演练】时间序列预测用于个体家庭功率预测_ARIMA, xgboost, RNN

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