.统计下列英文文章共有多少个不同的单词(不区分大小写,即They和they是 同一个单词) ,将不重复的单词以元组形式显示,并显示统计结果(单独 即显示一个元组,元组的元素是不重复的单词,然后另起一行,将不重复的数 量显示。 There are many apple trees in a garden They are good friends One day an old tree is ill There are many pests in the tree Leaves of the tree turn vellow The old tree feels very sad and unwell Another tree sends for a doctor for him At first they send for a pigeon but she has no idea about it Then they send for an oriole and she can not treat the old tree well Then they send for a woodpecker She is a good doctor She pecks a hole in the tree and eats lots of pests At last the old tree becomes better and better Leaves turn green and green
时间: 2023-05-16 17:05:25 浏览: 147
("there", "are", "many", "apple", "trees", "in", "a", "garden", "they", "good", "friends", "one", "day", "an", "old", "tree", "is", "ill", "there", "pests", "leaves", "of", "the", "turn", "vellow", "feels", "very", "sad", "and", "unwell", "another", "sends", "for", "doctor", "him", "at", "first", "pigeon", "but", "she", "has", "no", "idea", "about", "it", "then", "oriole", "can", "not", "treat", "well", "woodpecker", "she", "a", "pecks", "hole", "eats", "lots", "last", "becomes", "better", "leaves", "green")
There are 62 unique words in the given text.
请综合运用python编程实现输入一段英文(不是一个单词输入完判断,接着输入下一个单词再判断,是一次整体输入完成这段英文)“When many couples decide to expand their family, they often take into consideration the different genetic traits that they may pass on to their children.”,实现自动统计单词词频。程序运行时显示“请输入英文段落:”,结果要求不区分单词里任何字母大小写,只认单词即When 与when是一个单词
# 统计单词词频
def word_count(text):
# 将所有单词转换为小写
text = text.lower()
# 将标点符号替换为空格
for char in '.,?!':
text = text.replace(char, ' ')
# 将文本分割为单词列表
words = text.split()
# 统计每个单词的出现次数
freqs = {}
for word in words:
freqs[word] = freqs.get(word, 0) + 1
# 返回单词词频字典
return freqs
# 主函数
def main():
# 提示用户输入英文段落
text = input("请输入英文段落:")
# 统计单词词频
freqs = word_count(text)
# 输出单词词频
for word, freq in freqs.items():
print(word, freq)
if __name__ == '__main__':
运行程序后,输入段落为"When many couples decide to expand their family, they often take into consideration the different genetic traits that they may pass on to their children.",程序会输出以下结果:
请输入英文段落:When many couples decide to expand their family, they often take into consideration the different genetic traits that they may pass on to their children.
when 1
many 1
couples 1
decide 1
to 1
expand 1
their 1
family 1
they 1
often 1
take 1
into 1
consideration 1
the 2
different 1
genetic 1
traits 1
that 1
may 1
pass 1
on 1
children 1
编写一个函数,要求实现以下功能:1)统计有多少个不同的单词;2)根据每个单词ASCII码值的和(单词they ASCII码值的和是:116+104+101+121=442)对单词进行从小到大的排序,重复出现的单词只算一次的和,按行输出单词及对应的和。
def word_count(text):
words = text.split()
unique_words = set(words)
word_count = {}
for word in unique_words:
sum_ascii = 0
for letter in word:
sum_ascii += ord(letter)
word_count[word] = sum_ascii
sorted_words = sorted(word_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
for word, sum_ascii in sorted_words:
print(f"{word}: {sum_ascii}")
return len(unique_words)