时间: 2023-10-15 10:02:42 浏览: 104
function divide_and_conquer_knapsack(capacity, items):
queue = FIFO queue
best_value = 0
while (not queue.empty()):
current_items = queue.dequeue()
# Calculate the value and weight of the current items
current_value = 0
current_weight = 0
for item in current_items:
current_value += item.value
current_weight += item.weight
# If the current items are better than the previous best, update the best value
if current_weight <= capacity and current_value > best_value:
best_value = current_value
# If the current items can be split further, add the new subproblems to the queue
if len(current_items) > 1:
left_items = current_items[:len(current_items) // 2]
right_items = current_items[len(current_items) // 2:]
left_value = 0
left_weight = 0
right_value = 0
right_weight = 0
for item in left_items:
left_value += item.value
left_weight += item.weight
for item in right_items:
right_value += item.value
right_weight += item.weight
left_bound = left_value + (capacity - left_weight) * (right_value / right_weight) if right_weight > 0 else 0
right_bound = right_value + (capacity - right_weight) * (left_value / left_weight) if left_weight > 0 else 0
# If the left subproblem has a better bound, add it to the queue
if left_bound > best_value:
# If the right subproblem has a better bound, add it to the queue
if right_bound > best_value:
# Return the best value found
return best_value