时间: 2023-10-26 13:48:57 浏览: 69
安装 Zotero 的步骤如下:
1. 在 Zotero 官网(https://www.zotero.org/)下载最新的 Zotero Desktop 版本。
2. 安装 Zotero Desktop,根据提示进行设置账户和浏览器插件。
3. 安装 word 插件,以便在编辑文献时能够使用 Zotero。
4. 将引文样式和文献库导入到 Zotero 中。
5. 在 word 中引用文献时,使用 Zotero 插件进行引用。
ubantu zotero安装完整步骤
1. 打开Ubuntu终端,运行以下命令更新软件仓库列表:
sudo apt-get update
2. 安装Zotero依赖库:
sudo apt install python python-pip python-setuptools python-gobject python-zope.interface python-chardet python-magic
3. 下载Zotero tar.gz 安装包。可以在官方网站下载最新版本:https://www.zotero.org/download/
将下载的zotero tar.gz包放在您喜欢的位置,例如~/Downloads/目录下。
4. 解压Zotero tar.gz包:
tar -vzxf zotero*.*
5. 运行Zotero:
cd zotero*
Sure, I can help you with that. Here are the complete steps to install Zotero on Ubuntu:
1. Open Terminal and type the following command: `wget -qO- https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-deb/releases/download/apt-get/install.sh | sudo bash`
2. If prompted, enter your password and hit Enter.
3. The above command will add the Zotero repository to your system and update the package lists.
4. Once done, type the command `sudo apt-get install zotero` to install Zotero on your Ubuntu system.
5. After installation, you can launch Zotero by clicking on its icon in the Applications menu.
Hope this helps! Do you have any other questions for me?