[1] R. Zhang, L L. Song, L.J. Ran, Ultra-wideband Location Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization in Non-line-of-sight Environment [J].Sensors and Microsystems, 2017, 36(9): 117-120, 124.请把条参考文献的格式改成上面的那种
时间: 2024-04-07 14:32:29 浏览: 181
[1] Zhang, R., Song, L. L., & Ran, L. J. (2017). Ultra-wideband location algorithm based on particle swarm optimization in non-line-of-sight environment. Sensors and Microsystems, 36(9), 117-120, 124.
- [1]: 序号,表示该参考文献在文中的引用顺序
- Zhang, R., Song, L. L., & Ran, L. J.: 作者信息,包括姓氏和名字缩写
- (2017): 发表年份,用括号括起来
- Ultra-wideband location algorithm based on particle swarm optimization in non-line-of-sight environment: 文章标题,使用斜体字表示
- Sensors and Microsystems: 杂志名称,使用斜体字
- 36(9): 卷号和期号,使用括号将卷号和期号括起来,中间用逗号分隔
- 117-120, 124: 文章页码,表示该文章在杂志中的起始页码和终止页码,中间用逗号分隔