时间: 2024-05-21 11:12:58 浏览: 78
Sure, I can definitely help you with that. Here are some commonly used functions for image processing in MATLAB:
1. imread: Reads an image from a file into a matrix.
2. imwrite: Writes an image matrix to a file.
3. imresize: Resizes an image matrix to a specified size.
4. imrotate: Rotates an image matrix by a specified angle.
5. imcrop: Crops a region of interest from an image matrix.
6. imfilter: Applies a specific filter to an image matrix.
7. rgb2gray: Converts an RGB image to a grayscale image.
8. edge: Detects edges in an image matrix.
9. imadjust: Adjusts the contrast and brightness of an image matrix.
10. imshow: Displays an image matrix on the screen.
I hope this helps!