rect = imrect; mask = createMask(rect); mask_rgb = repmat(mask, [1 1 3]); maskedImg = uint8(double(img) .* mask);保存的图片类型是什么
时间: 2024-05-20 07:12:27 浏览: 108
保存的图片类型是 uint8 类型的。因为在代码中,变量 maskedImg 的类型是 uint8,而 imrect 函数和 createMask 函数都是 MATLAB 中的图像处理函数,最终得到的 mask 是逻辑值类型,经过 repmat 函数转换为三通道的 RGB 图像,而 img 是原始的图像,所以经过 double 函数转换为双精度类型,两者相乘得到的结果就是 uint8 类型的图像。因此,保存的图片类型也是 uint8。
inpaintImage = srcImage.Clone(); foreach (var contour in contours) { var hull = Cv2.ConvexHull(contour, false); var rect = Cv2.BoundingRect(hull); var mask = new Mat(srcImage.Size(), MatType.CV_8UC1, Scalar.All(0)); Cv2.DrawContours(mask, new Point[][] { hull }, -1, Scalar.All(255), -1); var dst = new Mat(); Cv2.Inpaint(inpaintImage[rect], mask[rect], dst, 3, InpaintMethod.Telea); dst.CopyTo(inpaintImage[rect]); }
有两张大小相同的图像A和B,利用代码:from skimage.segmentation import slic from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries from skimage.util import img_as_float import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import cv2 # args args = {"image": './1.png'} # load the image and apply SLIC and extract (approximately) # the supplied number of segments image = cv2.imread(args["image"]) segments = slic(img_as_float(image), n_segments=100, sigma=5) # show the output of SLIC fig = plt.figure('Superpixels') ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), segments)) plt.axis("off") print("segments:\n", segments) print("np.unique(segments):", np.unique(segments)) # loop over the unique segment values for (i, segVal) in enumerate(np.unique(segments)): # construct a mask for the segment print("[x] inspecting segment {}, for {}".format(i, segVal)) mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype="uint8") mask[segments == segVal] = 255 print(mask.shape) # show the masked region cv2.imshow("Mask", mask) cv2.imshow("Applied", np.multiply(image, cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) > 0)) cv2.waitKey(0),对A进行超像素分割,将A划分的每个超像素块范围进行记录,应用到B上,使B直接得到超像素图像。最终显示一张A的超像素分割图与一张B的超像素分割图,像给出pytorch实现代码
1. 对A进行超像素分割,并记录每个超像素块的范围(可以使用SLIC算法)
2. 将记录的超像素块信息应用到B上,可以使用OpenCV的grabCut算法
3. 最后显示A和B的超像素分割图像
import cv2
from skimage.segmentation import slic
from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries
from skimage.util import img_as_float
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# 加载A和B图像
image_A = cv2.imread('path_to_image_A')
image_B = cv2.imread('path_to_image_B')
# 对A进行超像素分割
segments_A = slic(img_as_float(image_A), n_segments=100, sigma=5)
# 显示A的超像素分割图像
fig = plt.figure('Superpixels_A')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(image_A, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), segments_A))
# 记录A的超像素块范围
masks_A = []
for (i, segVal) in enumerate(np.unique(segments_A)):
mask = np.zeros(image_A.shape[:2], dtype="uint8")
mask[segments_A == segVal] = 255
# 根据A的超像素分割信息对B进行超像素分割
rect = (0, 0, image_B.shape[1], image_B.shape[0])
bgdModel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64)
fgdModel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64)
mask = np.zeros(image_B.shape[:2], dtype="uint8")
for mask_A in masks_A:
# 将A的超像素块范围转换为矩形框
rect_A = cv2.boundingRect(mask_A)
# 根据A的超像素块范围对B进行grabCut算法
mask_temp = np.zeros(image_B.shape[:2], dtype="uint8")
mask_temp[rect_A[1]:rect_A[1]+rect_A[3], rect_A[0]:rect_A[0]+rect_A[2]] = mask_A
mask, bgdModel, fgdModel = cv2.grabCut(image_B, mask, rect, bgdModel, fgdModel, 5, cv2.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK)
# 显示B的超像素分割图像
fig = plt.figure('Superpixels_B')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(image_B, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), mask))