Subscription to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate expired on Jan 01, 2023, use version IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2021.3 or earlier of the product.
时间: 2024-05-21 17:18:34 浏览: 199
Subscription Expired(解决方案).md
It looks like your subscription to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate has expired on Jan 01, 2023. You will need to renew your subscription or purchase a new license in order to continue using the latest version of the product.
In the meantime, you can still use version IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2021.3 or earlier of the product, which should still work for your needs. You can download and install this version from the JetBrains website or from within the IntelliJ IDEA application itself.
Keep in mind that using an older version of the product may not include the latest features or bug fixes, so it's recommended to renew your subscription or purchase a new license as soon as possible to ensure you have access to all the latest updates and improvements.