unsigned conversion from long long int to long unsigned int changes vaule from
时间: 2023-11-13 15:05:20 浏览: 478
这个警告提示你从一个 long long int 类型转换为了 long unsigned int 类型,可能会导致数据失真或者截断。因为 long long int 类型是有符号类型,而 long unsigned int 类型是无符号类型,两种类型的取值范围不同。
long long int a = 123456789LL;
long unsigned int b = static_cast<long unsigned int>(a);
Clang-Tidy: Narrowing conversion from 'unsigned long long' to signed type 'int' is implementation-defined
Clang-Tidy是一个由LLVM项目提供的静态代码分析工具,它主要用于改进C++代码质量,帮助开发者发现并修复潜在的问题。当它警告"narrowing conversion from 'unsigned long long' to signed type 'int'"时,这意味着从无符号长整型`unsigned long long`转换到有符号整型`int`可能会导致数据丢失或精度损失。
在C++中,如果一个较大的无符号整数值(如`unsigned long long`)被转换为较小的有符号整数类型(如`int`),这种转换可能是隐式(即编译器自动完成的)并且结果可能不符合预期。因为`int`的范围可能不足以表示所有的`unsigned long long`值,所以转换后的结果可能溢出或者变成不确定的值。
为了防止这种情况,最好明确地进行转换,并确保目标类型能够容纳源类型的完整范围。例如,可以使用`static_cast<int>(value)`或者先将`unsigned long long`转换为`unsigned int`再转换为`int`:
int safe_int_value = static_cast<int>(std::min<unsigned long long>(some_ull, std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
printf unsigned long long int
printf is a C function used to print formatted output to the console or a file. unsigned long long int is a data type in C used to represent integers that are at least 64 bits in size and can only hold non-negative values.
To print an unsigned long long int value, you can use the following format specifier in printf:
For example:
unsigned long long int num = 18446744073709551615ULL;
printf("The value of num is: %llu\n", num);
The value of num is: 18446744073709551615