vue +three.js
时间: 2023-10-09 08:12:41 浏览: 247
Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, while Three.js is a JavaScript library used for creating 3D graphics and animations in the browser.
Together, they can be used to create powerful and interactive 3D applications. Vue.js can be used to manage the state and data of the application, while Three.js can be used to render and animate the 3D graphics.
There are several Vue.js components and libraries available that integrate with Three.js, such as Vue-Three.js and Vue-GL. These components provide a convenient way to use Three.js in Vue.js applications and make it easier to manage the 3D scene and objects.
Overall, using Vue.js and Three.js together can provide a seamless and efficient way to create stunning 3D applications in the browser.