matlab round()
时间: 2023-11-02 21:25:30 浏览: 146
The round() function in MATLAB is used to round the values of an input array to the nearest integer. It takes a single input array as an argument and returns an array of the same size as the input array with each element rounded to the nearest integer.
y = round(x)
where x is the input array and y is the output array with rounded values.
x = [2.3 4.7 3.2 5.9 1.1]
y = round(x)
The output would be:
y = [2 5 3 6 1]
Here, the values in array x are rounded to the nearest integer and stored in array y.
MATLAB round
The round function in MATLAB rounds the input value to the nearest integer. If the input value is exactly halfway between two integers, it rounds to the nearest even integer.
rounded_value = round(input_value)
input_value = 3.67;
rounded_value = round(input_value)
% Output: rounded_value = 4
input_value = 5.5;
rounded_value = round(input_value)
% Output: rounded_value = 6
input_value = 6.5;
rounded_value = round(input_value)
% Output: rounded_value = 6
input_value = 7.5;
rounded_value = round(input_value)
% Output: rounded_value = 8
matlab round
x = 3.6;
y = round(x); % y = 4
A = [2.3 4.8; 3.1 5.6];
B = round(A); % B = [2 5; 3 6]
x = 3.14159;
y = round(x, 2); % y = 3.14