解释这段代码:class QRegWindow(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
时间: 2024-06-03 16:11:04 浏览: 110
解释这段代码:class QAttenDialg(QDialog, Ui_atten_Dialog):
这段代码定义了一个名为 "QAttenDialg" 的类,该类继承自 "QDialog" 类和 "Ui_atten_Dialog" 类。这意味着该类具有 QDialog 类和 Ui_atten_Dialog 类的所有属性和方法。通常情况下,类的定义包含一些方法和属性,供程序员使用和重复利用。在本例中,该类与 Ui_atten_Dialog 类一起用于创建一个可视化窗口,其中包含与用户的交互式对话框。
order (MRO) for bases QDialog, Ui_Dialog
The Method Resolution Order (MRO) for bases QDialog and Ui_Dialog depends on the order in which they are specified when defining the class that inherits from them.
For example, if you define a class like this:
class MyDialog(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
def __init__(self):
Then the MRO will be `[MyDialog, QDialog, Ui_Dialog, object]`, which means that the methods and attributes of `MyDialog` will be checked first, followed by those of `QDialog`, then `Ui_Dialog`, and finally `object`.
It's important to note that this order can affect how methods are overridden and inherited, so it's important to be aware of the MRO when designing your class hierarchy.