identification, flags_offset, ttl, protocol, checksum = struct.unpack('!HHBBH', ip_packet[4:10]) unpack requires a buffer of 8 bytes
时间: 2024-05-21 07:17:12 浏览: 160
Yes, that's correct. The `struct.unpack` function requires a buffer of bytes as its first argument, and the second argument specifies the size of the buffer in bytes. In this case, the buffer size is 8 bytes because we are unpacking 6 fields, each with a specific size specified by the format string `!HHBBH`.
The `!` character at the beginning of the format string specifies that the data should be interpreted in network byte order (big-endian). The `H` format code specifies a 2-byte unsigned short integer, the `B` format code specifies a single byte, and the `checksum` field is also a 2-byte unsigned short integer, hence the total buffer size of 8 bytes.
identification, flags_offset, ttl, protocol, checksum = struct.unpack('!HHBBH', ip_packet[4:10])
具体地,'!HHBBH'指定了IP头部中各个字段在字节流中的顺序和类型,其中'!'表示大端字节序(网络字节序),'H'表示unsigned short类型(占用2个字节),'B'表示unsigned char类型(占用1个字节)。因此,这个格式字符串指定了IP头部从第5个字节开始的6个字节按照大端字节序依次解析为2个unsigned short类型和2个unsigned char类型,以及1个unsigned short类型的校验和。