时间: 2023-11-18 09:24:14 浏览: 2371
1. 国内研究现状
2. 国外研究现状
近年来,国外已经有许多智能浇灌系统产品上市,如PlantLink、Edyn Garden Sensor、Gardena等。这些产品不仅具有自动化浇水和水量控制的功能,还能够通过手机APP远程控制、自动调节水肥平衡等。同时,这些产品还采用了各种新颖的传感器技术,如土壤湿度传感器、光照传感器、温度传感器等,能够更加精准地控制盆栽的生长环境。
1. "Smart Irrigation System for Indoor Plants Based on IoT Technology" by R. S. Sahu and S. K. Sahoo (2018)
This paper presents a smart irrigation system for indoor plants that uses IoT technology to automate the watering process. The system consists of a soil moisture sensor, a water pump, and a microcontroller. The sensor measures the moisture level in the soil and sends the data to the microcontroller, which then activates the water pump if the soil is too dry. The authors also developed a mobile app that enables users to monitor and control the system remotely.
2. "An IoT-based Automated Plant Watering System" by S. M. Asadullah and M. T. Rahman (2019)
This paper describes an automated plant watering system that uses IoT technology to monitor and control the watering process. The system consists of a soil moisture sensor, a water pump, and a Raspberry Pi microcomputer. The sensor measures the moisture level in the soil and sends the data to the Raspberry Pi, which then activates the water pump if the soil is too dry. The authors also developed a web-based interface that allows users to monitor and control the system remotely.
3. "IoT-based Smart Irrigation System for Indoor Plants" by S. S. Saravanan and S. R. Prabakaran (2019)
This paper presents a smart irrigation system for indoor plants that uses IoT technology to automate the watering process. The system consists of a soil moisture sensor, a water pump, a microcontroller, and a cloud-based platform. The sensor measures the moisture level in the soil and sends the data to the microcontroller, which then activates the water pump if the soil is too dry. The authors also developed a mobile app that enables users to monitor and control the system remotely through the cloud-based platform.
4. "Design and Implementation of an IoT-based Plant Watering System" by M. O. Adediji and O. O. Olaniyi (2020)
This paper describes the design and implementation of an IoT-based plant watering system that uses a soil moisture sensor, a water pump, and an Arduino microcontroller. The sensor measures the moisture level in the soil and sends the data to the Arduino, which then activates the water pump if the soil is too dry. The authors also developed a mobile app that allows users to monitor and control the system remotely.
5. "Smart Indoor Plant Irrigation System Based on IoT Technology" by Y. Zhang and X. Zhang (2020)
This paper presents a smart indoor plant irrigation system that uses IoT technology to automate the watering process. The system consists of a soil moisture sensor, a water pump, a microcontroller, and a Wi-Fi module. The sensor measures the moisture level in the soil and sends the data to the microcontroller, which then activates the water pump if the soil is too dry. The authors also developed a mobile app that enables users to monitor and control the system remotely through the Wi-Fi module.