Cannot resolve method 'parseUri' in 'UriCompat'
时间: 2023-08-08 07:05:01 浏览: 97
如果在使用`UriCompat.parseUri()`方法时出现了“Cannot resolve method 'parseUri' in 'UriCompat'”的错误,可能是因为该方法在新版本的AndroidX库中已经被废弃。在新的AndroidX库中,可以使用`Uri.parse()`方法来将字符串转换为Uri类型。
String pictureUri = "content://com.example.provider/images/1";
Uri uri = Uri.parse(pictureUri);
cannot resolve method error in logger
The "cannot resolve method" error in a logger indicates that the method being called does not exist in the logger's class or in any of its superclasses. This error can occur if you are using an outdated version of the logger or if you have misspelled the method name.
To resolve this error, make sure that you are using the correct version of the logger and that you have spelled the method name correctly. You can also check the logger's documentation or source code to ensure that the method you are trying to call actually exists.
为什么提示cannot resolve method error in logger
"cannot resolve method error in logger"错误通常是因为您在代码中使用了未定义的方法名或参数。如果您正在使用日志记录库(如log4j或slf4j),请确保您使用的是正确的日志记录方法和参数。您可以检查您的代码中的所有日志记录语句,并确认它们与库的文档一致,包括方法名和参数。如果您仍然无法解决问题,请在您的问题中提供更多详细信息,以便我能够更好地帮助您解决问题。