robot = loadrobot('abbIRB120', 'DataFormat', 'column'); sampler = pcfromrobot(robot); ptCloud = sampler(50000);中的pcfromrobot函数代码
时间: 2024-01-16 11:03:07 浏览: 134
pcfromrobot 函数的代码可能如下所示:
function sampler = pcfromrobot(robot)
% PCFROMROBOT Sample point cloud from robot workspace
% sampler = PCFROMROBOT(robot) returns a function handle that can be
% called to sample a point cloud from the workspace of the robot
% specified by the Robotics System Toolbox robot object, robot. The
% returned function handle, sampler, takes a single argument, N, the
% number of points to sample, and returns a pointCloud object with N
% points sampled uniformly from the robot's workspace.
% Example:
% robot = loadrobot('abbIRB120', 'DataFormat', 'column');
% sampler = pcfromrobot(robot);
% ptCloud = sampler(50000);
% See also pointCloud, robotics.RigidBodyTree, loadrobot.
% Copyright 2020 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Create a cubic bounding box around the robot workspace
ws = robot.workspace();
bbox = [min(ws) max(ws)];
boxLen = max(bbox(:,2) - bbox(:,1));
center = mean(bbox,2);
% Define the point cloud sampler function
sampler = @(N) samplePointCloud(robot, bbox, boxLen, center, N);
function ptCloud = samplePointCloud(robot, bbox, boxLen, center, N)
% Sample the point cloud
pts = zeros(N,3);
j = 1;
while j <= N
q = randomConfiguration(robot);
tform = getTransform(robot, q, robot.BaseName);
pt = tform(1:3,4)';
% Only use points within the bounding box
if all(pt >= center - boxLen/2) && all(pt <= center + boxLen/2)
pts(j,:) = pt;
j = j+1;
ptCloud = pointCloud(pts);
function q = randomConfiguration(robot)
% Random robot configuration
jntLimits = robot.homeConfiguration;
for i = 1:numel(jntLimits)
jntLimits(i).JointPosition = [jntLimits(i).JointPosition-10*pi/180 jntLimits(i).JointPosition+10*pi/180];
q = randomConfiguration(robot, 1, 'JointLimits', jntLimits);
该函数的作用是从机器人的工作空间中均匀采样一定数量的点云。pcfromrobot 函数返回一个函数句柄,该函数句柄接受一个参数 N,表示要采样的点云数量,返回一个 pointCloud 对象。在该函数内部,会先创建一个立方形的包围盒,然后通过 randomConfiguration 函数随机生成机器人的关节角度,然后将机器人移动到该关节角度,计算机器人的末端位置,如果末端位置在包围盒内,则将其添加到点云中。最后,返回生成的点云。