Python pytorch遍历指定文件夹的txt文件并读取行数大小进行比较,输出最大行数所在的txt文件名并在pytorch环境下打开相同目录下与其同名的.jpg格式的文件,若存在txt文件的行数相同且均为最大行数时,比较该txt文件中每一行的第六个数据并取其平均值,输出平均数最大的txt文件名并pytorch环境下输出并打开打开相同目录下与其同名的.jpg格式的文件
时间: 2024-02-16 17:03:44 浏览: 183
1. 导入必要的Python库
import os
import glob
import torch
2. 定义函数,用于读取txt文件中的行数大小并比较
def compare_txt_files(txt_dir):
max_lines = 0
max_lines_file = ""
for txt_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(txt_dir, "*.txt")):
with open(txt_file) as f:
lines = len(f.readlines())
if lines > max_lines:
max_lines = lines
max_lines_file = txt_file
return max_lines_file
3. 调用函数,输出最大行数所在的txt文件名
txt_dir = "/path/to/txt/files"
max_lines_file = compare_txt_files(txt_dir)
print("Max lines file:", max_lines_file)
4. 检查是否存在相同行数的txt文件,若有,则比较每个txt文件中每一行的第六个数据并取平均值,输出平均数最大的txt文件名
max_lines = 0
max_lines_files = []
for txt_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(txt_dir, "*.txt")):
with open(txt_file) as f:
lines = len(f.readlines())
if lines == max_lines:
elif lines > max_lines:
max_lines = lines
max_lines_files = [txt_file]
if len(max_lines_files) > 1:
max_avg = 0
max_avg_file = ""
for txt_file in max_lines_files:
with open(txt_file) as f:
avg = sum([float(line.split()[5]) for line in f.readlines()]) / max_lines
if avg > max_avg:
max_avg = avg
max_avg_file = txt_file
print("Max avg file:", max_avg_file)
print("Max lines file:", max_lines_files[0])
5. 在pytorch环境下打开相同目录下与其同名的.jpg格式的文件
jpg_file = os.path.splitext(max_lines_file)[0] + ".jpg"
img = torch.load(jpg_file)