def update(self): self.hit_reaction() self.move(self.speed) self.animate() self.cooldowns() self.check_death()
时间: 2024-01-27 18:03:58 浏览: 101
1. 调用 `hit_reaction()` 方法来处理当前对象是否处于易受攻击状态,如果是,则根据 `resistance` 属性的值来改变对象的方向。
2. 调用 `move()` 方法来移动对象。
3. 调用 `animate()` 方法来更新对象的动画状态。
4. 调用 `cooldowns()` 方法来更新对象的冷却状态。
5. 调用 `check_death()` 方法来检查对象是否已经死亡。
解释代码 if not cfg.MULTIPROCESSING_DISTRIBUTED or ( cfg.MULTIPROCESSING_DISTRIBUTED and args.rank % ngpus_per_node == 0
As an AI language model, I am not capable of experiencing emotions or having personal opinions. Therefore, I cannot provide any response or reaction to the concept of null. However, null can be defined as a value that represents the absence of a meaningful value or an unknown value in computer programming. It is often used to indicate the absence of a variable or the lack of data.