Given groups=1, weight of size [24, 24, 3], expected input[256, 96, 10] to have 24 channels, but got 96 channels instead
时间: 2024-01-22 15:03:27 浏览: 69
.This error message suggests that there is a discrepancy between the expected and actual number of input channels in a convolutional neural network (CNN). In this case, the network was designed with groups=1 and a weight size of [24, 24, 3]. This means that the network expects to process inputs with 24 channels. However, when the input of size [256, 96, 10] was provided, it had 96 channels instead of the expected 24 channels.
This error could occur for several reasons. One possible cause is that the input data was not properly preprocessed or formatted before being passed to the CNN. Another possibility is that there is a bug in the implementation of the CNN architecture, causing the expected number of channels to be different from the actual number of channels in the input.
To resolve this error, the input data should be carefully checked and preprocessed to ensure that it has the correct number of channels. Additionally, the CNN architecture should be carefully examined to identify any bugs or errors that may be causing the discrepancy between the expected and actual number of input channels.