unity2d检测image的rotation y值,如果超过90或小于-90,则调整image的透明度为0.如果大于-90小于90则透明度为100
时间: 2024-05-07 22:18:29 浏览: 176
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ImageRotationChecker : MonoBehaviour
public Image image;
public float threshold = 90f;
private void Update()
float rotationY = image.rectTransform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
if (rotationY > threshold || rotationY < -threshold)
// If rotationY is greater than threshold or less than negative threshold, set the alpha to 0.
Color color = image.color;
color.a = 0f;
image.color = color;
// If rotationY is between negative threshold and threshold, set the alpha to 1.
Color color = image.color;
color.a = 1f;
image.color = color;
将此脚本添加到Image对象上,然后将Image对象分配给image变量。 通过更改threshold变量的值,可以设置旋转角度的阈值。 当旋转角度超过阈值时,将图像的alpha值设置为0,否则将其设置为1。 Update()函数每帧都会执行,以便检查图像的旋转角度。