时间: 2024-09-14 16:10:00 浏览: 62
module calculator(
input [7:0] A, // 8-bit wide unsigned input A
input [7:0] B, // 8-bit wide unsigned input B
input [7:0] C, // 8-bit wide unsigned input C
input [7:0] D, // 8-bit wide unsigned input D
output reg [7:0] out // 8-bit wide unsigned output out
wire [8:0] temp1; // Internal signal to store the result of (A-B)+C
wire [8:0] temp2; // Internal signal to store the result of (A-C)+B
wire [7:0] hp1; // Intermediate result hp1
wire [7:0] hp2; // Intermediate result hp2
reg [7:0] hp; // Intermediate result hp after division by 16
// Compute (A-B)+C and (A-C)+B and take their absolute values
assign temp1 = $unsigned(A) - $unsigned(B) + $unsigned(C);
assign hp1 = temp1[8] ? ~temp1[7:0] : temp1[7:0]; // If the result is negative, invert it and add 1
assign temp2 = $unsigned(A) - $unsigned(C) + $unsigned(B);
assign hp2 = temp2[8] ? ~temp2[7:0] : temp2[7:0]; // If the result is negative, invert it and add 1
// Select the greater of hp1 and hp2, then subtract D and divide by 16
always @(A or B or C or D) begin
hp = D[7] ? hp1 - D : hp2 - D; // If D is negative, we subtract from hp1 or hp2 before division
hp = hp >> 4; // Divide by 16
// Compute the final output max(0, 256-hp)
always @(hp) begin
out = hp > 255 ? 0 : 256 - hp; // If hp is greater than 255, out is 0, otherwise calculate 256-hp
在这段代码中,首先定义了四个8位宽的输入端口和一个8位宽的输出端口。然后使用内部的9位宽信号(因为结果可能会超过8位宽)来计算(A-B)+C和(A-C)+B的绝对值。之后,比较这两个结果,并进行减D和除以16的操作。最后,计算最终的输出值max(0, 256-hp)。