mybatis elseif
时间: 2023-09-04 09:17:00 浏览: 106
MyBatis does not have a specific "elseif" statement like other programming languages or frameworks. Instead, you can use the "choose" statement in MyBatis to achieve similar functionality.
The "choose" statement in MyBatis is used to evaluate multiple conditions and execute different SQL statements based on the result. It consists of "when" and "otherwise" elements.
Here's an example of how you can use the "choose" statement in MyBatis to replace an "elseif" condition:
<select id="getUser" resultType="User">
FROM users
<when test="param == 'admin'">
role = 'admin'
<when test="param == 'manager'">
role = 'manager'
role = 'user'
In the above example, the SQL query will check the value of the "param" parameter and execute different conditions based on its value. If "param" is equal to "admin", it will search for users with the role 'admin'. If "param" is equal to 'manager', it will search for users with the role 'manager'. Otherwise, it will search for users with the role 'user'.
Remember to adjust the conditions and values based on your specific requirements.