时间: 2025-01-04 15:25:13 浏览: 7
### 遗传算法概述
### Python实现遗传算法框架
#### 初始化参数设置
import random
from typing import List, Tuple
class GeneticAlgorithmConfig:
def __init__(self,
population_size: int = 50,
mutation_rate: float = 0.01,
crossover_rate: float = 0.8,
elitism_count: int = 2,
generations: int = 100):
Initializes the genetic algorithm configuration.
:param population_size: Number of individuals in each generation.
:param mutation_rate: Probability that an individual will undergo mutation.
:param crossover_rate: Probability that two parents will exchange genes during reproduction.
:param elitism_count: Number of top performers to carry over into next generation without modification.
:param generations: Total number of iterations or 'generations' for evolution process.
self.population_size = population_size
self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
self.crossover_rate = crossover_rate
self.elitism_count = elitism_count
self.generations = generations
#### 定义个体类
class Individual:
def __init__(self, chromosome_length: int):
"""Initializes a new instance with randomly generated chromosomes."""
self.chromosome = [random.randint(0, 1) for _ in range(chromosome_length)]
def fitness(self) -> float:
"""Calculates and returns this individual's fitness score based on its chromosome."""
raise NotImplementedError("Fitness function must be defined.")
#### 创建初始种群
def create_initial_population(config: GeneticAlgorithmConfig, chromosome_length: int) -> List[Individual]:
return [Individual(chromosome_length=chromosome_length) for _ in range(config.population_size)]
#### 实现选择算子
def select_parents(population: List[Individual], config: GeneticAlgorithmConfig) -> Tuple[List[int]]:
parent_indices = []
total_fitness = sum( for individual in population)
probabilities = [( / total_fitness) for individual in population]
while len(parent_indices) < (config.population_size - config.elitism_count):
selected_index = weighted_random_choice(probabilities)
if selected_index not in parent_indices:
elite_indices = sorted(range(len(population)), key=lambda i: population[i].fitness)[-config.elitism_count:]
return tuple(elite_indices + parent_indices[:len(parent_indices)-config.elitism_count])
def weighted_random_choice(weights: list[float]) -> int:
cumulative_weights = []
current_sum = 0
for w in weights:
current_sum += w
r = random.uniform(0, current_sum)
selection = bisect.bisect_left(cumulative_weights, r)
return selection
#### 设计交叉算子
def perform_crossover(parents: List[Tuple[int]], offspring: List[Individual]):
for idx in range(0, len(offspring), 2): # Iterate through pairs of children
p1_idx, p2_idx = parents[idx % len(parents)], parents[(idx+1) % len(parents)]
if random.random() <= config.crossover_rate:
point = random.randint(1, len(offspring[p1_idx].chromosome)-2)
child1_chrom = offspring[p1_idx].chromosome[:point] + offspring[p2_idx].chromosome[point:]
child2_chrom = offspring[p2_idx].chromosome[:point] + offspring[p1_idx].chromosome[point:]
offspring[p1_idx].chromosome[:] = child1_chrom[:]
offspring[p2_idx].chromosome[:] = child2_chrom[:]
#### 应用变异算子
def apply_mutation(offspring: List[Individual], config: GeneticAlgorithmConfig):
for indv in offspring:
for gene_pos in range(len(indv.chromosome)):
if random.random() < config.mutation_rate:
indv.chromosome[gene_pos] ^= 1 # Flip bit value at position `gene_pos`.
#### 进化流程控制逻辑
def evolve(ga_config: GeneticAlgorithmConfig, problem_specific_setup=None):
best_solution = None
# Initialize first-generation population
initial_pop = create_initial_population(ga_config, chromosome_length=problem_specific_setup['chromosome_length'])
for gen_num in range(ga_config.generations):
# Evaluate all solutions within current pop
eval_results = evaluate_all(initial_pop, **problem_specific_setup)
# Select mating pool from evaluated results using roulette wheel method
chosen_pairs = select_parents(eval_results, ga_config)
# Create empty array for storing newly created offsprings
next_gen_offsprings = initialize_next_generation(eval_results[chosen_pair][0] for chosen_pair in chosen_pairs)
# Perform crossovers between paired mates
perform_crossover(chosen_pairs, next_gen_offsprings)
# Apply mutations across entire set of potential survivors
apply_mutation(next_gen_offsprings, ga_config)
# Replace old population with updated one after applying elitist strategy
update_population_with_elites_and_newbies(initial_pop, next_gen_offsprings, ga_config.elitism_count)
# Track progress by keeping track of fittest member found so far
record_best_found_so_far(best_solution, get_fittest_member_from_current_gen())
return best_solution