mybatis foreach循环字符串
时间: 2023-10-16 11:08:49 浏览: 147
MyBatis provides a convenient way to iterate over a collection of elements using the `foreach` loop. To loop over a string in MyBatis, you can first convert the string into a list of characters or substrings and then use the `foreach` loop to iterate over it. Here's an example:
In your MyBatis XML configuration file, define a parameter map that includes the string you want to iterate over:
<parameterMap id="myParameterMap" type="map">
<parameter property="myString" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
In your SQL statement, utilize the `foreach` loop to iterate over the converted list of characters or substrings:
<select id="myQuery" parameterMap="myParameterMap" resultType="...">
FROM my_table
WHERE column IN
<foreach item="item" collection="myString" open="(" separator="," close=")">
In your application code, pass the string as a parameter to the MyBatis query:
Map<String, Object> paramMap = new HashMap<>();
paramMap.put("myString", "your_string_here");
List<?> resultList = sqlSession.selectList("myQuery", paramMap);
Remember to replace `resultType="..."` with the appropriate result type for your query.
By using the `foreach` loop in MyBatis, you can iterate over a string and dynamically build SQL statements based on its elements.