ubuntu minicom
时间: 2024-07-11 19:00:52 浏览: 109
ubuntu minicom
Minicom is a terminal emulator program that allows you to communicate with devices connected to your computer using serial ports. It is commonly used for configuring and troubleshooting serial devices such as routers, switches, and embedded systems.
To install Minicom on Ubuntu, you can use the following command:
sudo apt-get install minicom
After the installation, you can launch Minicom by typing `minicom` in the terminal. By default, it may require root privileges, so use `sudo minicom` if necessary.
Once in Minicom, you can configure the serial port settings, such as baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits, to match the settings of the device you want to communicate with. You can then send and receive data through the serial connection.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or need more assistance!
ubuntu minicom ]
### 安装 Minicom
在 Ubuntu 系统上安装 `minicom` 可通过以下命令完成:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install minicom
此过程会更新包列表并安装最新版本的 `minicom` 软件[^1]。
### 初次配置 Minicom
初次启动 `minicom` 并对其进行配置,需执行如下命令:
sudo minicom -s
### 配置串口设备路径
进入上述菜单后按 **A** 键可修改串行设备路径。在此之前建议先运行下列命令来确认所使用的端口号:
ls -la /dev/ttyUSB*
ls -la /dev/ttyS*
根据实际硬件连接情况选择合适的设备文件名(如 `/dev/ttyUSB0`),并将该名称填入对应的配置项中[^4]。
### 设置波特率及其他通信参数
同样是在配置界面上,选项 **E** 用于调整比特率、校验位以及数据位数等重要通讯属性。对于特定型号的开发板而言,查阅官方手册得知正确的波特率数值是非常必要的;例如某款名为 ITX-3588J 的开发板其推荐波特率为 1500000bps。确保这一设定匹配目标设备的要求可以有效防止无输出或显示乱码等问题的发生。