优化sql语句,select distinct ce.emailid,ce.sender,ccc.client_id,'99' as query_tag,ccc.client_name as comany_name,ccc.clue_name as contact_name, case when ccc.ascription_user = #{userid} then '1' else '2' end as chart_information from crm_email ce,crm_client_clue ccc where (ce.sender = ccc.clue_email or ce.content like concat('%', ccc.clue_email, '%') ) and ccc.clue_email is not null and ccc.clue_email <![CDATA[ <> ]]> '' and ce.type in ('2','3') and ccc.clue_status in ('0','1','2','3','9') and ccc.date_flag = '0' and ce.emailid = #{emailId}
时间: 2024-04-22 09:24:01 浏览: 114
SELECT DISTINCT ce.emailid, ce.sender, ccc.client_id, '99' AS query_tag, ccc.client_name AS company_name, ccc.clue_name AS contact_name,
CASE WHEN ccc.ascription_user = #{userid} THEN '1' ELSE '2' END AS chart_information
FROM crm_email ce
JOIN crm_client_clue ccc ON ce.sender = ccc.clue_email OR ce.content LIKE CONCAT('%', ccc.clue_email, '%')
WHERE ccc.clue_email IS NOT NULL AND ccc.clue_email <> ''
AND ce.type IN ('2', '3')
AND ccc.clue_status IN ('0', '1', '2', '3', '9')
AND ccc.date_flag = '0'
AND ce.emailid = #{emailId}
1. 使用JOIN语句代替WHERE子句中的条件,将两个表进行连接。
2. 使用`IS NOT NULL`代替`<![CDATA[ <> ]]> ''`,更加直观地表示非空条件。
3. 修改表别名的命名规范,使其更易读。
4. 对于固定值的列,直接使用常量表示,避免重复查询。