<_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\\Users\\huawei\\Desktop\\py.txt' mode='a' encoding='utf-8'>是什么错误
时间: 2023-11-23 11:57:59 浏览: 128
根据提供的引用内容,<_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\\Users\\huawei\\Desktop\\py.txt' mode='a' encoding='utf-8'>并不是一个错误,而是一个文件对象。这个对象代表了一个文本文件,可以通过它进行读写操作。其中,name表示文件名,mode表示文件打开模式,a表示以追加模式打开文件,encoding表示文件编码格式为utf-8。
# 读取csv文件data1 <- read.table("C:/Users/Huawei/Desktop/b51.csv", header = TRUE)# 将数据转换为数据框data <- data.frame(x = data1[, 1], y = data1[, 2])选择了未定义的列如何处理
1. 检查你的CSV文件,确保它包含了你想要的列。如果没有,你需要修改CSV文件或者选择其他数据来源。
2. 检查你的代码,确保你使用的是正确的列名或者列索引。如果不是,你需要修改代码。
3. 如果你确信你的CSV文件包含了你想要的列,而且你的代码也没有问题,那么可能是因为数据中存在缺失值导致的。你可以使用函数 `na.omit()` 或者 `complete.cases()` 来删除缺失值。例如:`data <- na.omit(data)` 或者 `data <- data[complete.cases(data),]`。
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding: utf-8 import os from time import time from datetime import datetime from netmiko import ConnectHandler from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import load_workbook def read_device_excel( ): ip_list = [] wb1 = load_workbook('E:\/Users/Wayne_Peng/Desktop/cs_lab.xlsx') ws1 = wb1.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet1") for cow_num in range(2,ws1.max_row+1): ipaddr = ws1["a"+str(cow_num)].value ip_list.append(ipaddr) return ip_list def get_config(ipaddr): session = ConnectHandler(device_type="huawei", ip=ipaddr, username="mtlops", password="cisco,123", banner_timeout=300) print("connecting to "+ ipaddr) print ("---- Getting HUAWEI configuration from {}-----------".format(ipaddr)) # config_data = session.send_command('screen-length 0 temporary') # config_data = session.send_command('dis cu | no-more ') # command = 'display version | display cpu-usage | display memory-usage' # config_data = session.send_command(command) commands = ['display version', 'display cpu-usage', 'display memory-usage'] config_data = '' for cmd in commands: output = session.send_command_timing(cmd) config_data += f'{cmd}\n{output}\n' session.disconnect() return config_data def write_config_to_file(config_data,ipaddr): now = datetime.now() date= "%s-%s-%s"%(now.year,now.month,now.day) time_now = "%s-%s"%(now.hour,now.minute) #---- Write out configuration information to file config_path = 'E:\/Users/Wayne_Peng/Desktop/' +date verify_path = os.path.exists(config_path) if not verify_path: os.makedirs(config_path) config_filename = config_path+"/"+'config_' + ipaddr +"_"+date+"_" + time_now # Important - create unique configuration file name print ('---- Writing configuration: ', config_filename) with open( config_filename, "w",encoding='utf-8' ) as config_out: config_out.write( config_data ) return def main(): starting_time = time() ip_list = read_device_excel() for ipaddr in ip_list: hwconfig = get_config(ipaddr) write_config_to_file(hwconfig,ipaddr) print ('\n---- End get config threading, elapsed time=', time() - starting_time) #======================================== # Get config of HUAWEI #======================================== if __name__ == '__main__': main() 加一段gevent,def run_gevent()
#!/usr/bin/env python
#coding: utf-8
import os
from time import time
from datetime import datetime
from netmiko import ConnectHandler
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import gevent
from gevent import monkey
def read_device_excel():
ip_list = []
wb1 = load_workbook('E:\/Users/Wayne_Peng/Desktop/cs_lab.xlsx')
ws1 = wb1.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet1")
for cow_num in range(2,ws1.max_row+1):
ipaddr = ws1["a"+str(cow_num)].value
return ip_list
def get_config(ipaddr):
session = ConnectHandler(device_type="huawei",
print("connecting to "+ ipaddr)
print ("---- Getting HUAWEI configuration from {}-----------".format(ipaddr))
commands = ['display version', 'display cpu-usage', 'display memory-usage']
config_data = ''
for cmd in commands:
output = session.send_command_timing(cmd)
config_data += f'{cmd}\n{output}\n'
return config_data
def write_config_to_file(config_data,ipaddr):
now = datetime.now()
date= "%s-%s-%s"%(now.year,now.month,now.day)
time_now = "%s-%s"%(now.hour,now.minute)
#---- Write out configuration information to file
config_path = 'E:\/Users/Wayne_Peng/Desktop/' +date
verify_path = os.path.exists(config_path)
if not verify_path:
config_filename = config_path+"/"+'config_' + ipaddr +"_"+date+"_" + time_now # Important - create unique configuration file name
print ('---- Writing configuration: ', config_filename)
with open( config_filename, "w",encoding='utf-8' ) as config_out:
config_out.write( config_data )
def run_gevent(ip_list):
jobs = []
for ipaddr in ip_list:
jobs.append(gevent.spawn(get_config, ipaddr))
for job, ipaddr in zip(jobs, ip_list):
hwconfig = job.value
print('\n---- End get config threading')
def main():
starting_time = time()
ip_list = read_device_excel()
print('elapsed time:', time() - starting_time)
# Get config of HUAWEI
if __name__ == '__main__':
注意,这里使用了 `gevent` 库,需要先安装。可以在命令行中使用 `pip install gevent` 进行安装。