Error-[SE] Syntax error Following verilog source has syntax error : "../tests/single_chain/demo/hdl/demo.v", 23: token is '>>' force `TESTBENCH.GPIO >>1;
时间: 2024-04-15 21:31:55 浏览: 162
在Verilog中,`>>` 不是有效的语法。如果您想将 `TESTBENCH.GPIO` 的值右移一个位置,您可以使用 `>>` 运算符。请将 `>>` 替换为 `>> 1`,代码应该如下所示:
force `TESTBENCH.GPIO >> 1;
这将对 `TESTBENCH.GPIO` 进行右移操作。请确保在引用 `TESTBENCH.GPIO` 之前已经定义了它。如果仍然有其他错误,请提供完整的代码和错误信息,以便我可以更好地帮助您。
Error-[SE] Syntax error Following verilog source has syntax error : "/ic/projects/BM2020_N22/users/dazhi.du/new1/BM2020_N22/1_rtl_rvn/5_core_logic/6_rvn_new/cdag_read.v", 131: token is 'endmodule'
Error-[SE] Syntax error Following verilog source has syntax error : "./rtl/fifo.v", 2: token is 'parameter' parameter WIDTH = 32,
The Verilog code you provided indicates a syntax error on the second line of the file "./rtl/fifo.v". The error message states that the token "parameter" is causing the issue.
Without seeing the rest of the code, my best guess is that the parameter declaration is missing a semicolon at the end of the line. Here's an example of what the corrected line may look like:
parameter WIDTH = 32;
Make sure to check the rest of the code for any other syntax errors, as they may also be contributing to the issue.