extra tokens at end of #else directive [-Wendif-labels]
时间: 2024-09-29 19:12:28 浏览: 65
"extra tokens at end of #else directive [-Wendif-labels]" 是一个编译器警告信息,通常出现在使用 C、C++ 或其他类似语言编写程序时。当你在一个条件控制结构(如 if-else 或 switch-case 等)中使用 #else 指令来指定一个条件未满足时,如果在 #else 后面有额外的空格、换行符或其他非结束标签的内容,编译器会发出这个警告。
-Wendif-labels 是一种常见的编译选项,它启用了一个诊断功能,用于检测可能导致意外结果的代码风格,比如未正确关闭的条件块。例如:
if (condition) {
// do something
} else /* this is the warning */ {
// do something else
在这个例子中,编译器会警告说存在多余的令牌。正确的做法应该是直接在 #else 后结束,或者添加一个实际的标签,如下所示:
if (condition) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
Src/DeviceConfigManager.cpp:333:7: warning: extra tokens at end of #else directive [-Wendif-labels] #else defined(RK3568_VERSION)
#ifdef RK3568_VERSION
// 如果定义了RK3568_VERSION,则执行这里的代码
// 如果没有定义RK3568_VERSION,则执行这里的代码
#ifdef RK3568_VERSION
// 如果定义了RK3568_VERSION,则执行这里的代码
// 如果没有定义RK3568_VERSION,则执行这里的代码
#if defined(RK3568_VERSION)
// 这部分代码将仅在RK3568_VERSION未定义时执行
extra tokens at end of #ifndef directive
In C/C++, the #ifndef directive is used to check if a given macro has already been defined. If it hasn't, the code inside the #ifndef block is executed.
If you're seeing an "extra tokens at end of #ifndef directive" error, it usually means that there are extra characters after the macro name in the #ifndef statement. For example, consider the following code:
#ifndef MY_MACRO extra_tokens
// some code here
In this case, the preprocessor will see "MY_MACRO extra_tokens" as a single token, which is not what you intended. To fix this error, make sure that there are no extra characters after the macro name in the #ifndef statement:
#ifndef MY_MACRO
// some code here
If you still can't find the issue, try looking for any stray characters or misspelled macro names in your code.