COL 12(6), 060012(2014) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS June 10, 2014
Digital holographic microscopy for automated 3D cell
identification: an overview
(Invited Paper)
Arun Anand
and Bahram Javidi
Applied Physics Department, Faculty of Technology and Engineering,
The M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara 390001, India
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, U-2157, University of Connecticut,
Storrs, CT 06269-2157, USA
Corresponding author:
Received February 25, 2014; accepted April 4, 2014; posted online May 30, 2014
Digital holographic (DH) microscopy is a promising technique for quantitative phase contrast imaging.
It provides complex amplitude of the object wavefront, which in t urn yields the thickness distribution of
the object. An added advantage of the technique is its ability for numerical focusing, which provides the
thickness distribution of the object at different axial planes. In this invited paper, we present an overview
of our reported work on two beam DH microscopyto acquire different cell parameters for cell imaging and
automated cell identification. Applications to automated monitoring of stem cells without destroying the
cells and automated identification of malaria infected red blood cells are discussed.
OCIS codes: 090.1995, 180.6900, 120.5050, 170.1530.
doi: 10.3788/COL201412.060012.
1. Introduction
In imaging o f living cells, resolution as well as contrast
is necessary to study and evaluate the dynamic proce sses
occurring in them. But many of the biological speci-
mens are transparent to visible light. For these objects,
bright field microscope provides only low contrast inten-
sity images and a single object plane. Staining of the
sp e cimen can improve the co ntrast, but this may cause
an alteration of the cells. These objects may produce a
change to the phase of the probe beam, that is, the beam
interacting with the object, due to spatially varying op-
tical thickness. Thus, phase contrast imaging techniques
will be better suited for cellevaluation. The phase o f the
probe beam is very sensitive to the optical thickness mis-
match between the cytoplasmic content of the cells and
the surrounding medium. This phase change can be used
to construct high contrast images of the specimen
If acce ss to the phase of the object wavefront is avail-
able, optical thickness profile of the specimen can be
reconstructed, leading to quantitative phase microsc opy
(QPM). Digital holographic (DH) microscopy is such a
technique, which provides three dimensional (3D) opti-
cal thickness profiles of transparent specimen
. In
DH microscopy, holograms or interference patterns are
recorded on image sensors and reconstructed using nu-
merical methods by simulating the process of diffraction
from these structures
. This reco ns truction provides
the complex amplitude of the object wavefront, which in
turn provides the object phase information and hence the
thickness profile. An added advantage of DH microscopy
is its ability of numerical focusing, which provides a way
by which different object planes can be brought to focus
during the reconstructio n process. Comparison o f the
object phase with any other phase distribution becomes
possible in the case of DH microscopy. Thus, recon-
structing the phase distribution with and witho ut the
object and then interferometricaly comparing them, the
distortions due to the aberrations in the optical system
may beremoved and phase information due to the object
alone can be obtained
. Also, using a series of holo-
grams the time evolution of the cell morphology could
be studied
. We are involved in the development of
applications using DH microscopy for qua ntitative imag-
ing of cells. In this invited pape r, we pr e sent an overview
of our rep orted and published research in the area of DH
microscopywith applications in the imaging of cells for
their parameter extractio n, co mparison and automated
2. Overview of DH microscope
A sketch of the DH microscope used in some of our
investigations is s hown in Fig. 1 (a)
. It uses He-Ne
laser as the source although a variety of other coherent
or partially cohere nt sources may be used. The beam
from the s ource is split into two. One of the beams
acts as the reference beam. The other beam is allowed
to pass through the object under investigation. The
object is magnified using an a ppropriate microscope ob-
jective (selection of the objective lens depends upon the
required magnification and resolution). The object un-
der investigation is mounted on a transla tion stage for
easy focusing. The o bject and reference beams ar e made
to interfere at the detector plane or the plane of the
hologram at an angle in off-axis geometry by employ-
ing Mach-Zehnder interferometer configuration. A CCD
array records the ho lograms, that is, the interference
pattern.The detector is located near the image plane of
the objective le ns . To match the curvatures of the wave-
fronts at the detector plane, an objective of the same
configuration as the one used for magnification was in-
troduced in the reference arm of the setup. Figure 1(b)
shows the portion inside the dotted rectangle shown in
Fig. 1(a), depicting the magnificatio n and interference
process. The dis tance (d) between the hologram and the
image plane is also shown.
1671-7694/2014/060012(6) 060012-1
2014 Chinese Optics Letters