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"Management Principles and Control Work.pptx; Management Principles and Control Work.pptx; Chapter Five Control Function (Chapters 15-17) After determining the organization's goals and clarifying the activities needed to achieve those goals, task allocation, personnel organization and deployment, and measures to coordinate and motivate personnel are required, but even this cannot guarantee the realization of the goals. Managers must also monitor the organization's performance, compare actual performance with predetermined goals, and, if significant deviations are found, the manager's task is to get the organization back on track. Chapter Five Key Points: 1. Master the meaning, types, and methods of control work. 2. Understand the control process. 3. Understand the principles and requirements of control work. Chapter 15 Overview of Control Function: This chapter focuses on: 1. Mastering the meaning and importance of control. 2. Understanding the control process. 3. Understanding the basic types of control. Section 1 Meaning of Control: 1. Concept of control - Control is to ensure that the organization's goals and the plans formulated for this purpose can be achieved, and that managers at all levels measure, measure, and evaluate the work of subordinates based on previously determined standards or standards re-formulated as required by development, and correct deviations when they occur to prevent them from continuing or recurring. The feedback loop of management control indicates the comparison of deviations with standard performance, actual performance, actual work performance analysis, deviation reasons, correction plan formulation, correction implementation, and expected work performance. 2. The relationship between control and planning: ... (content continues)"
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