
5星 · 超过95%的资源 1 下载量 154 浏览量 更新于2024-02-24 1 收藏 1.45MB PDF 举报
Access数据库VBA数据库编程.pdf" is a comprehensive guide that covers the principles and applications of VBA database programming. The 9th chapter of the book focuses on database engines and their interfaces, data access objects, and ActiveX data objects. It provides an overview of the Microsoft Jet database engine, which acts as a bridge between applications and physical databases, enabling access to database functionality. The chapter begins by introducing the database access interface and proceeds to explain the two database programming methods supported by Access: DAO (Data Access Objects) and ADO (ActiveX Data Objects). DAO is structured with various objects that allow for efficient database access, and ADO provides a model structure and objects for accessing databases. The chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding and mastering VBA's database programming methods in order to effectively manage data and develop practical Access database applications. It also highlights the significance of VBA's object-oriented programming knowledge in this context. Overall, "Access数据库VBA数据库编程.pdf" provides a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of VBA database programming, offering practical insights and guidance to effectively utilize Access's DAO and ADO for database access and management.