Cisco T1 E1 数字语音端口适配器安装配置指南

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“T1 E1 Digital Voice Port Adapter Installation and Configuration 指南涵盖了Cisco公司的一系列数字语音端口适配器的安装与配置过程,适用于Cisco 7200系列、Cisco 7200 VXR、Cisco 7301路由器、Cisco 7401 ASR路由器以及Cisco 7500系列中的VIP平台。产品型号包括PA-VXA-1TE1-24+(=)、PA-VXA-1TE1-30+(=)、PA-VXB-2TE1(=)、PA-VXB-2TE1+(=)、PA-VXC-2TE1(=)和PA-VXC-2TE1+(=)。手册中的信息可能会有变更,且所有声明、信息和建议均未经任何明示或暗示的保证。用户在应用产品时需自行承担全部责任。产品的软件许可证和有限保修条款见随产品发货的信息包,如无法找到,应联系Cisco获取。” 本资源主要涉及以下几个关键知识点: 1. **T1/E1技术**:T1和E1是数字电话通信中广泛使用的接口标准。T1是北美地区的标准,提供24个时隙,每个时隙传输64kbps的数据,总带宽为1.544Mbps。E1是欧洲、亚洲和澳大利亚的标准,提供32个时隙,每时隙同样为64kbps,总带宽为2.048Mbps。这些接口常用于连接PBX(Private Branch Exchange)和ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network)。 2. **Cisco数字语音端口适配器**:Cisco的这些适配器是专门设计用于将传统的模拟语音通信接入到IP网络中,它们可以将T1或E1线路转换成IP数据流,实现VoIP(Voice over IP)通信。适配器型号不同,支持的端口数量和特性也有所差异。 3. **支持的平台**:适配器可与多种Cisco路由器兼容,包括Cisco 7200系列、7200 VXR、7301、7401 ASR以及7500系列中的VIP模块。这些路由器通常是企业网络的核心设备,能够处理大量的数据和语音流量。 4. **安装与配置**:指南详细介绍了如何物理安装适配器到路由器上,以及如何通过网络管理软件(如Cisco IOS或Cisco Prime)进行配置。配置步骤可能包括端口设置、信令协议选择(如CAS、DSS1或SS7)、时隙分配、QoS(Quality of Service)策略设定等。 5. **免责声明**:虽然手册提供的信息被认为是准确的,但Cisco不作任何明示或暗示的保证。用户在实际操作中必须自己评估并负责其应用。 6. **软件许可证和有限保修**:随产品提供的软件许可证和有限保修条款对产品的使用有着明确的规定,用户应当了解这些条款,如有疑问应直接联系Cisco获取帮助。 这个资源对于网络管理员和IT专业人员来说是极其宝贵的,他们需要安装和配置这些适配器以构建或扩展企业级的VoIP基础设施。理解并遵循提供的步骤和注意事项,能确保网络通信的稳定和高效。

以hive的角度检查语法: with cur_dim_comb as (SELECT DISTINCT t.dim_comb ,t.var_sub_class ,t.acc_value FROM gerp.cux_cst_data_alloc_his t WHERE t.top_var_type = '10' AND t.job_ver_id in (SELECT ver.job_ver_id AS p_job_ver_id FROM gerp.cux_cst_dist_jobs_all job INNER JOIN gerp.cux_cst_dist_jobs_vers_all ver ON job.job_id = ver.job_id )) select tp.bd_code --事业部编码 ,tp.bd_name --事业部名称 ,hp.ou_code --OU名称 ,hp.ou_name --OU编码 ,op.main_class_desc --差异大类 ,op.acc_value --科目代码 ,op.acc_desc --科目名称 ,op.dim_comb --区分维度 ,op.begin_amount --期初余额 ,op.accrual_amount --本期发生 ,op.balance_diff_alloc_amount --期末差异结存 ,op.var_sub_class ,op.main_class_value ,op.org_id ,op.period_name ,op.job_ver_id from (select up.* ,q1.* from (SELECT DISTINCT maincl.* ,t.* FROM t inner join (SELECT fv.flex_value ,fv.description FROM fv inner join fs on fv.flex_value_set_id = fs.flex_value_set_id AND fs.flex_value_set_name = 'CUX_CST_VARIANCE_TYPE' AND fv.enabled_flag = 'Y' AND fv.hierarchy_level = '2' AND fv.flex_value LIKE '10%' ) maincl on t.var_main_class = maincl.flex_value inner join cur_dim_comb on cur_dim_comb.var_sub_class = t.var_sub_class and cur_dim_comb.acc_value = t.acc_value WHERE 1 = 1 AND t.top_var_type = '10' AND t.job_ver_id in (SELECT ver.job_ver_id AS p_job_ver_id FROM gerp.cux_cst_dist_jobs_all job INNER JOIN gerp.cux_cst_dist_jobs_vers_all ver ON job.job_id = ver.job_id) ORDER BY maincl.description ,t.acc_value ,cur_dim_comb.dim_comb ) up inner join (SELECT t1.* ,SUM(t1.begin_amount) begin_amount ,SUM(t1.accrual_amount) accrual_amount ,SUM(t1.balance_diff_alloc_amount) balance_diff_alloc_amount FROM gerp.cux_cst_data_alloc_his t1 LEFT JOIN gerp.cux_cst_data_alloc_his t ON t1.top_var_type = '10' AND t1.var_sub_class = t.var_sub_class --p_var_sub_class AND t1.org_id = t.org_id --p_org_id AND t1.period_name = t.period_name --p_period_name AND t1.job_ver_id = t.job_ver_id --p_job_ver_id AND t1.acc_value = t.acc_value --p_acc_value WHERE t1.dim_comb in (select distinct dim_comb from cur_dim_comb) group by t1.org_id,t1.period_name,t1.job_ver_id,t1.var_sub_class,t1.acc_value ) q1 on q1.org_id = up.org_id --p_org_id AND q1.period_name = up.period_name --p_period_name AND q1.job_ver_id = up.job_ver_id --p_job_ver_id AND q1.var_sub_class = up.var_sub_class --p_var_sub_class AND q1.acc_value = up.acc_value --p_acc_value ) op

2023-05-26 上传

优化这条sql: select distinct (select product_name from t_product from where id = #{productId} and mark = 1 and status = 1) as productName, (select count(0) from t_clue a where a.distribution_status != 4 and a.mark = 1 and a.product_id = #{productId} and a.status in(1,2,3,31,32,33)) as clueCount, (select count(0) from t_clue a left join t_clue_appendix b on a.clue_code = b.clue_code where a.distribution_status != 4 and a.mark = 1 and b.file_url is not null and a.product_id = #{productId} and a.status in (3,31,32,33)) as intentionCount, (select count(0) from t_clue a where a.status in (4,5,7,8) and a.distribution_status != 4 and a.mark = 1 and a.product_id = #{productId} and a.status = 4) as incomingCount, (select count(0) from t_clue a where a.status in (5,7,8) and a.distribution_status != 4 and a.mark = 1 and a.product_id = #{productId} and a.status in (5,7,8)) as approvedCount, (select count(0) from t_clue a where a.status = 6 and a.distribution_status != 4 and a.mark = 1 and a.product_id = #{productId} and a.status = 6) as rejectionCount, (select count(0) from t_clue a where a.status in (7,8) and a.distribution_status != 4 and a.mark = 1 and a.product_id = #{productId}) as loanCount, (select count(0) from t_clue a where a.status = 8 and a.distribution_status != 4 and a.mark = 1 and a.product_id = #{productId}) as swipeCount, (select sum(a.loan_amount) from t_clue a where a.distribution_status != 4 and a.mark = 1 and a.product_id = #{productId}) as loanMoney, (select sum(a.use_amount) from t_clue a where a.distribution_status != 4 and a.mark = 1 and a.product_id = #{productId}) as swipeMoney

2023-06-06 上传