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"The Quick Python Book, 3rd Edition" 是一本专为初学者和专业程序员设计的权威指南,由业内专家Naomi Ceder编著,并得到如Massimo Perga、Nicholas Tollervey等知名人士的推荐。本书以其简洁易懂的风格和快速学习的特点而闻名,是学习Python语言的理想入门书籍。 该书的核心内容涵盖了Python语言的基础语法和功能,旨在帮助读者迅速掌握编程基础。作者不仅对Python的基本构造进行了深入浅出的讲解,还重点介绍了语言的各个方面以及各种扩展库和模块,这些模块使得Python能够应用于实际项目开发,从而满足不同层次的需求,无论是构建桌面应用还是进行复杂的数据分析和处理。 对于初次接触Python的读者,书中提供了实用的入门教程,让学习过程变得轻松愉快。同时,对于已经有一定Python基础的专业程序员来说,这本书也是一本极好的参考手册,可以帮助他们巩固知识并了解最新的语言发展动态。 评价中,Edmon Begoli赞扬了本书作为深入理解Python的强大工具,William Kahn-Greene则强调了其在新版本Python中的实用性。David McWhirter和Jerome Lanig都推荐这本书作为必备读物,认为它不仅适合初学者,也是经验丰富的Python开发者提升技能的好帮手。 Jim Kohli更是给出了高度评价,称它是专业程序员学习Python的最佳选择,对于那些希望将Python用于实际工作的人来说,这本书无疑是一份宝贵的资源。因此,无论你是想快速入门还是寻求进阶指导,"The Quick Python Book, 3rd Edition" 都能为你提供丰富的知识支持和实践指导。
2018-08-27 上传
About the Book The Quick Python Book, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide to the Python language by a Python authority, Naomi Ceder. With the personal touch of a skilled teacher, she beautifully balances details of the language with the insights and advice you need to handle any task. Extensive, relevant examples and learn-by-doing exercises help you master each important concept the first time through. Whether you're scraping websites or playing around with nested tuples, you'll appreciate this book's clarity, focus, and attention to detail. What's Inside Clear coverage of Python 3 Core libraries, packages, and tools In-depth exercises Five new data science-related chapters About the Reader Written for readers familiar with programming concepts—no Python experience assumed. About the Author Naomi Ceder is chair of the Python Software Foundation. She has been learning, using, and teaching Python since 2001. Table of Contents PART 1 - STARTING OUT About Python Getting started The Quick Python overview PART 2 - THE ESSENTIALS The absolute basics Lists, tuples, and sets Strings Dictionaries Control flow Functions Modules and scoping rules Python programs Using the filesystem Reading and writing files Exceptions PART 3 - ADVANCED LANGUAGE FEATURES Classes and object-oriented programming Regular expressions Data types as objects Packages Using Python libraries PART 4 - WORKING WITH DATA Basic file wrangling Processing data files Data over the network Saving data Exploring data