Figure 3: On the left, we visualize a large and small face,
both with and without context. One does not need context
to recognize the large face, while the small face is dramat-
ically unrecognizable without its context. We quantify this
observation with a simple human experiment on the right,
where users classify true and false positive faces of our pro-
posed detector. Adding proportional context (by enlarging
the window by 3X) provides a small improvement on large
faces but is insufficient for small faces. Adding a fixed con-
textual window of 300 pixels dramatically reduces error on
small faces by 20%. This suggests that context should be
modeled in a scale-variant manner. We operationalize this
observation with foveal templates of massively-large recep-
tive fields (around 300x300, the size of the yellow boxes).
2. Related work
Scale-invariance: The vast majority of recognition
pipelines focus on scale-invariant representations, dating
back to SIFT[15]. Current approaches to detection such as
Faster RCNN [18] subscribe to this philosophy as well, ex-
tracting scale-invariant features through ROI pooling or an
image pyramid [19]. We provide an in-depth exploration
of scale-variant templates, which have been previously pro-
posed for pedestrian detection[17], sometimes in the con-
text of improved speed [3]. SSD [13] is a recent technique
based on deep features that makes use of scale-variant tem-
plates. Our work differs in our exploration of context for
tiny object detection.
Context: Context is key to finding small instances as
shown in multiple recognition tasks. In object detection, [2]
stacks spatial RNNs (IRNN[11]) model context outside the
region of interest and shows improvements on small object
detection. In pedestrian detection, [17] uses ground plane
estimation as contextual features and improves detection on
small instances. In face detection, [28] simultaneously pool
ROI features around faces and bodies for scoring detections,
which significantly improve overall performance. Our pro-
posed work makes use of large local context (as opposed to
a global contextual descriptor [2, 17]) in a scale-variant way
(as opposed to [28]). We show that context is mostly useful
for finding low-resolution faces.
Multi-scale representation: Multi-scale representation
has been proven useful for many recognition tasks. [8, 14,
1] show that deep multi-scale descriptors (known as “hy-
percolumns”) are useful for semantic segmentation. [2, 13]
demonstrate improvements for such models on object detec-
tion. [28] pools multi-scale ROI features. Our model uses
“hypercolumn” features, pointing out that fine-scale fea-
tures are most useful for localizing small objects (Sec. 3.1
and Fig. 5).
RPN: Our model superficially resembles a region-
proposal network (RPN) trained for a specific object class
instead of a general “objectness” proposal generator [18].
The important differences are that we use foveal descrip-
tors (implemented through multi-scale features), we select
a range of object sizes and aspects through cross-validation,
and our models make use of an image pyramid to find ex-
treme scales. In particular, our approach for finding small
objects make use of scale-specific detectors tuned for inter-
polated images. Without these modifications, performance
on small-faces dramatically drops by more than 10% (Ta-
ble 1).
3. Exploring context and resolution
In this section, we present an exploratory analysis of the
issues at play that will inform our final model. To frame
the discussion, we ask the following simple question: what
is the best way to find small faces of a fixed-size (25x20)?.
By explicitly factoring out scale-variation in terms of the
desired output, we can explore the role of context and the
canonical template size. Intuitively, context will be crucial
for finding small faces. Canonical template size may seem
like a strange dimension to explore - given that we want to
find faces of size 25x20, why define a template of any size
other than 25x20? Our analysis gives a surprising answer
of when and why this should be done. To better understand
the implications of our analysis, along the way we also ask
the analogous question for a large object size: what is the
best way to find large faces of a fixed-size (250x200)?.
Setup: We explore different strategies for building
scanning-window detectors for fixed-size (e.g., 25x20)
faces. We treat fixed-size object detection as a binary
heatmap prediction problem, where the predicted heatmap
at a pixel position (x, y) specifies the confidence of a fixed-
size detection centered at (x, y). We train heatmap predic-
tors using a fully convolutional network (FCN) [14] defined
over a state-of-the-art architecture ResNet [9]. We explore
multi-scale features extracted from the last layer of each
res-block, i.e. (res2cx, res3dx, res4fx, res5cx) in terms of
ResNet-50. We will henceforth refer to these as (res2, res3,
res4, res5) features. We discuss the remaining particulars of
our training pipeline in Section 5.