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The document "Design and Simulation of the Control System of Quadruped Robot" focuses on the design and programming of a control system for a quadruped robot using the STM32 microcontroller. The main goal is to control the movements of the robot by converting coded instructions into electrical signals through the STM32 microcontroller. These signals are then used to control the motors connected to the distribution board on the quadruped robot, allowing the motors on the mechanical legs to function according to predetermined working time intervals and drive the connecting rods on the legs to rotate properly. The motors on the connecting rods are driven by electronic speed controllers to rotate at specified angles, enabling the mechanical legs to walk along the desired trajectory. In addition to the STM32 microcontroller, the system also includes a gyroscope, which provides feedback to the microcontroller about the current positional deviation of the quadruped robot relative to the horizontal position based on its internal three-axis orientation. This feedback is used by the control system to adjust the corresponding motors to correct the deviation. Key words: legged robot, STM32 microcontroller, electronic speed controller, gyroscope.
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