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SPC, also known as Statistical Process Control, is a method for monitoring, controlling, and improving processes through statistical analysis. The concept of SPC is based on the idea that 99.9% quality is not enough, as even a small percentage of errors can lead to significant issues. For example, 99.9% quality would mean that in the United States, 22,000 checks are incorrectly deducted from accounts every hour, there is one hour of unsafe drinking water per day, 12 babies are given to the wrong parents daily, 500 incorrect surgical operations occur weekly, 142,080 bad computers are produced yearly, and 2,000,000 pieces of mail go missing annually. These examples illustrate that even a small percentage of errors can have serious consequences.
The main principles of SPC are centered around the idea that product quality should ultimately meet customer requirements, and simply meeting specifications is insufficient. Additionally, product quality is a crucial factor for competition, and companies that fail to adapt to new conditions will face elimination. Improving product quality can lead to significant economic benefits, such as reducing production costs, increasing market share, and decreasing raw material consumption. It also does not contradict with increasing productivity, as long-term quality improvements can reduce defective products, increase production rates, and smooth out processes to boost productivity.
SPC emphasizes the importance of good and stable processes in ensuring product quality, as sampling and inspection alone cannot effectively prevent defects. The quality of each process directly or indirectly affects the next process, so every process is a customer of the previous one and has the right to request improvements. Overall, SPC is a comprehensive approach to quality management that focuses on continual improvement, customer satisfaction, and the importance of stable processes in achieving high-quality products.
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