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机器人腰部传动结构设计的关键目标是提高传动精度,以满足实际工作需求。本课题根据机器人的工作要求和结构特点进行了总体设计,确定了机器人的外形尺寸和工作空间,拟定了各关节的传动方案,并对腰部关节结构进行了详细设计。合理布置电机和齿轮,确定了各级传动参数,并进行了详细的设计计算和校核。最终采用双片薄齿轮错齿调隙法对腰部传动进行了消隙设计,以保证传动的精确性和稳定性。这种设计不仅简便经济,而且为机器人未来的推广和应用提供了便利条件。关键词:机器人,总体设计,腰部结构设计,消隙设计。Through the comprehensive design and detailed calculation of the waist structural design of the articulated robot, the goal of improving transmission accuracy to meet practical work needs is achieved. The overall design of the robot, including the determination of its size and workspace, as well as the proposed transmission solutions for each joint, laid the foundation for the detailed design of the waist joint structure. By arranging the motor and gears reasonably, determining the transmission parameters, and conducting meticulous design calculations and verification, the design process ensured the precision and stability of the transmission. The adoption of the dual thin gear backlash adjustment method for the waist transmission not only guarantees accuracy but also provides convenience for the future promotion and application of robots. Keywords: robot, overall design, waist structure design, backlash design.
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2023-07-12 上传

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