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Compressive Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction
Based on Spatial–Spectral Residual
Dense Network
Wei Huang, Member, IEEE,YangXu , Member, IEEE, Xiaowei Hu, and Zhihui Wei
Abstract— A spatial–spectral residual dense network-based
compressiv e hyperspectral image (HSI) reconstruction method
is proposed in this letter. The proposed method contains two
networks: residual dense network for hyperspectral image recon-
struction (RDNHIR) and spectral d ifference reconstruction net-
work (SDRN). The RDNHIR network can extract the local
features and global hierarchical featur es by cascading features
of all residual dense blocks (RDBs). Then, SDRN takes full
advantage of the strong correlation between spectral adjacent
bands to better preserve the spectral feature of HSI. Finally,
the adjacent spectral difference regularization is introduced
into the loss function to further improve the performance. The
experimental results show that the proposed method has better
reconstruction quality than other state-of-the-art reconstruction
methods, especially in the spectral domain.
Index Terms— Hyperspectral image (HSI), residual dense
network, reconstruction, compressive sensing (CS)
YPERSPECTRAL image (HSI) is a 3-D image with
a large amount of data composed of a series of band
images, which provides rich spatial and spectral information.
However, such a large amount of data may impose a heavy
burden on the storage and transmission of HSI. Compressive
sensing (CS) theory introduces a signal acquisition and recon-
struction framework that goes beyond the traditional Nyquist
sampling paradigm [1]. Therefore, CS theory is introduced to
reconstruct the HSI with a small amount of observation data.
HSI reconstruction aims to reconstruct the 3-D HSI from
its measurements, which is an underdetermined problem.
In order to solve this problem, image priors, such as total
variation (TV) prior [2] and sparsity prior [3], play a crucial
role. Later, Tan et al. [4] proposed a compressive HSI recon-
struction method via approximate message passing (AMP),
Manuscript received April 29, 2019; revised June 18, 2019; accepted
July 7, 2019. This work was supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant 61602423, Grant 61605175, and
Grant 61701238, in part by the Henan Province Science and Technology
Breakthrough Project under Grant 172102410088, in part by the Jiangsu
Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant BK20170858,
and in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
under Grant 30919011234. (Corresponding author: Yang Xu.)
W. Huang is with the School of Computer and Communication Engineering,
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450000, China (e-mail:
Y. Xu, X. Hu, and Z. Wei are with the School of Computer Science
and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nan-
jing 210094, China (e-mail: xuyangth90@njust.edu.cn; 574801016@qq.com;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LGRS.2019.2930645
which used an adaptive Winer filter as the image denoiser in
each iteration. By doing so, the AMP method can produce bet-
ter results and has the advantage of no parameter adjustment.
Metzler et al. [5] developed an extension of AMP framework
named denoising-based AMP (D-AMP). It can integrate a
wide class of denoisers within its iterations. Although the
above methods can reconstruct the HSI with better spatial
structure, they do not take the spectral information of HSI
into consideration. Martin et al. [6] proposed a new technique
named hyperspectral coded aperture (HYCA). It is based
on the assumption that the spectral vectors live on a low-
dimensional subspace and the spectral bands present high
correlation in both the spatial and the spectral domains and
can obtain high compression ratios with very small errors.
Wang et al. [7] presented a CS reconstruction algorithm with
spectral unmixing for HSI, which not only considered the
spatial information but also took full advantage of spec-
tral mixing property. However, these methods need to be
solved iteratively, and the computational complexity is very
Recently, deep learning-based methods have great repre-
sentational power for a complex feature and have achieved
success in the field of remote sensing image processing, such
as multispectral processing [8] and HSI processing [9]–[13].
Xiong et al. [14] proposed a unified deep learning frame-
work to reconstruct HSI from spectrally undersampled projec-
tions. Specifically, a coded aperture snapshot spectral imaging
(CASSI) measurement is first “upsampled” to the desired
spectral resolution using a simple CS reconstruction algo-
rithm and then enhances the image details by CNN model.
Choi et al. [15] employed the convolutional autoencoder to
reconstruct its own input. The spectral feature is learnt through
the encoder and decoder networks. The regularization with
the sparsity of the gradients in the spatial is also introduced.
Mousavi and Baraniuk [16] developed a new signal recovery
framework named DeepInverse that learns the inverse trans-
formation from measurement vectors to signals using a deep
convolutional network. Hu et al. [17] presented patch-based
residual networks for HSI reconstruction, and it contains two
residual convolutional neural networks: one is reconstruction
network for CS reconstruction and the other is deblocking
network for removing the blocky effect. This method can effi-
ciently reconstruct all bands of HSI jointly to better preserve
spectral correlation. These methods based on a deep network
can be used for HSI reconstruction, but they do not make full
use of the hierarchical features.
To solve this problem, we propose a compressive HSI
reconstruction method based on a spatial–spectral residual
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