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"Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming" 是一本专注于机器人操作系统(ROS)的专著,旨在帮助读者设计、构建和模拟复杂的机器人系统,充分利用ROS的开箱即用功能。 ROS,全称Robot Operating System,是机器人技术领域广泛采用的一个开源操作系统框架。这本书由Lentin Joseph撰写,他是一位在ROS和机器人技术方面有深厚经验的专业人士。书中涵盖了从基础到高级的ROS知识,适合已经有一定编程基础并希望深入理解ROS的读者。 通过阅读本书,读者将能够: 1. **理解ROS核心概念**:学习ROS的架构,包括节点、消息、服务、参数服务器等基本元素,以及如何在这些元素之间建立通信。 2. **安装和配置ROS环境**:了解如何在不同的操作系统上安装ROS,以及如何配置工作空间和源代码管理。 3. **开发ROS节点**:学习编写ROS节点,处理传感器数据,发布和订阅消息,实现机器人控制。 4. **使用ROS包和库**:掌握如何利用ROS提供的大量预先编写好的包和库,如导航堆栈、视觉感知库等,来加速开发进程。 5. **仿真与测试**:学习使用Gazebo进行机器人仿真,测试机器人行为,以及如何使用Rosbag记录和回放数据。 6. **集成硬件**:了解如何将ROS与各种传感器和执行器(如摄像头、激光雷达、电机控制器等)接口,实现硬件集成。 7. **实现复杂任务**:探讨如何使用ROS规划和决策工具来解决路径规划、目标检测和避障等问题。 8. **部署和调试**:学习如何在真实机器人上部署ROS程序,并进行调试和优化。 此外,书中的实例和项目将帮助读者将理论知识应用于实际问题,提升解决机器人系统挑战的能力。尽管作者和出版商已尽力确保书中信息的准确性,但读者在应用所学知识时仍需根据具体情况进行调整和验证。 《Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming》是一本全面而深入的ROS教程,对于想要在机器人领域大展拳脚的开发者来说,它提供了宝贵的指导和实践资源。通过这本书,读者不仅能够掌握ROS的使用,还能进一步提升在机器人系统设计和实现上的专业技能。
2019-05-09 上传
Effective Robotics Programming with ROS, Third Edition gives you a comprehensive review of ROS, the Robot Operating System framework, which is used nowadays by hundreds of research groups and companies in the robotics industry. More importantly, ROS is also the painless entry point to robotics for nonprofessionals and students. This book will guide you through the installation process of ROS, and soon enough, you will be playing with the basic tools and understanding the different elements of the framework. The content of the book can be followed without any special devices, and each chapter comes with a series of source code examples and tutorials that you can run on your own computer. This is the only thing you need to follow the book. However, we also show you how to work with hardware so that you can connect your algorithms with the real world. Special care has been taken in choosing devices that are affordable for amateur users, but at the same time, the most typical sensors or actuators in robotics research are covered. Finally, the potential of ROS is illustrated with the ability to work with whole robots in a real or simulated environment. You will learn how to create your own robot and integrate it with a simulation by using the Gazebo simulator. From here, you will have the chance to explore the different aspects of creating a robot, such as perceiving the world using computer vision or point cloud analysis, navigating through the environment using the powerful navigation stack, and even being able to control robotic arms to interact with your surroundings using the MoveIt! package. By the end of the book, it is our hope that you will have a thorough understanding of the endless possibilities that ROS gives you when developing robotic systems.What this book covers Chapter 1, Getting Started with ROS, shows the easiest way you must follow in order to have a working installation of ROS. You will see how to install ROS on different platforms, and you will use ROS Kinetic throughout the rest of the book. This chapter describes how to make an installation from Debian packages, compile the sources, and make installations in virtual machines, Docker, and ARM CPU. Chapter 2, ROS Architecture and Concepts, is concerned with the concepts and tools provided by the ROS framework. We will introduce you to nodes, topics, and services, and you will also learn how to use them. Through a series of examples, we will illustrate how to debug a node and visualize the messages published through a topic. Chapter 3, Visualization and Debugging Tools, goes a step further in order to show you powerful tools to debug your nodes and visualize the information that goes through the node's graph along with the topics. ROS provides a logging API that allows you to diagnose node problems easily. In fact, we will see some powerful graphical tools, such as rqt_console and rqt_graph, as well as visualization interfaces, such as rqt_plot and rviz. Finally, this chapter explains how to record and play back messages using rosbag and rqt_bag. Chapter 4, 3D Modeling and Simulation, constitutes one of the first steps in order to implement your own robot in ROS. It shows you how to model a robot from scratch and run it in simulation using the Gazebo simulator. You will simulate sensors, such as cameras and laser range sensors. This will later allow you to use the whole navigation stack provided by ROS and other tools. Chapter 5, The Navigation Stack – Robot Setups, is the first of two chapters concerned with the ROS navigation stack. This chapter describes how to configure your robot so that it can be used with the navigation stack. In the same way, the stack is explained, along with several examples. Chapter 6, The Navigation Stack – Beyond Setups, continues the discussion of the previous chapter by showing how we can effectively make our robot navigate autonomously. It will use the navigation stack intensively for that. This chapter shows the great potential of ROS using the Gazebo simulator and RViz to create a virtual environment in which we can build a map, localize our robot, and do path planning with obstacle avoidance. Chapter 7, Manipulation with MoveIt!, is a set of tools for mobile manipulation in ROS. This chapter contains the documentation that you need to install this package. The chapter also contains example demonstrations with robotic arms that use MoveIt! for manipulation tasks, such as grasping, picking and placing, or simple motion planning with inverse kinematics. Chapter 8, Using Sensors and Actuators with ROS, literally connects ROS with the real world. This chapter goes through a number of common sensors and actuators that are supported inROS, such as range lasers, servo motors, cameras, RGB-D sensors, and GPS. Moreover, we explain how to use embedded systems with microcontrollers, similar to the widely known Arduino boards. Chapter 9, Computer Vision, shows the support for cameras and computer vision tasks in ROS. This chapter starts with drivers available for FireWire and USB cameras so that you can connect them to your computer and capture images. You will then be able to calibrate your camera using the ROS calibration tools. Later, you will be able to use the image pipeline, which is explained in detail. Then, you will see how to use several APIs for vision and integrate OpenCV. Finally, the installation and usage of a visual odometry software is described. Chapter 10, Point Clouds, shows how to use Point Cloud Library in your ROS nodes. This chapter starts with the basics utilities, such as read or write a PCL snippet and the conversions needed to publish or subscribe to these messages. Then, you will create a pipeline with different nodes to process 3D data, and you will downsample, filter, and search for features using