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"快速成型的前处理涉及的主要内容包括三维模型的构建、计算机辅助设计软件的应用以及不同的三维模型形体表达方法。" 快速成型技术是一种基于数字化设计的制造工艺,其前处理步骤至关重要,因为它直接决定了3D打印的效果和效率。在这一过程中,首先需要创建三维模型,这是3D打印的基础。构建三维模型的方法多种多样: 1. 使用三维设计软件,直接根据产品需求进行设计。这类软件如SolidWorks、AutoCAD等,能够帮助设计师构建精确的三维模型。 2. 将已有产品的二维三视图转换为三维模型。通过导入DWG或DXF文件,利用CAD软件将平面图纸转换成立体模型。 3. 对于仿制品,可以通过反求工程和反求软件,如Geomagic,扫描实物并重构出三维模型。 4. 利用互联网,用户可以直接上传自己设计的三维模型至快速成型工作平台,进行远程打印。 计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件在快速成型中起着核心作用。在586或更高配置的个人计算机或工作站上,使用三维CAD软件,可以创建或修改产品三维模型,或把二维图样转化为三维形态。CAD软件提供了多种形体表达方法: 1. 构造实体几何法(CSG法):通过布尔运算(并集、交集、差集)组合基本体素,如立方体、圆柱体、锥体,以形成复杂的实体模型。这种方法数据结构简洁,但计算量大,修改操作有限。 2. 边界表达法(B-rep法):依据顶点、边和面构成的表面来精确描绘实体。这种方法的优势在于能快速绘制立体或线框模型,但其数据结构复杂,且修改操作可能较为繁琐。 快速成型的前处理还包括对模型的切片处理,即将三维模型分割成一系列薄层,每个层都对应3D打印机的一次打印动作。此外,还需要考虑支撑结构的设计,以防止在打印过程中模型因重力而变形。打印材料的选择、填充密度、打印速度等参数的设置也是前处理的重要环节。 在3D打印过程中,前处理的质量直接影响到最终产品的精度、表面质量以及打印成功率。因此,掌握高效的前处理技术和方法对于实现高质量的快速成型至关重要。

Unlike the classical encryption schemes,keys are dispensable in certain PLS technigues, known as the keyless secure strat egy. Sophisticated signal processing techniques such as arti- ficial noise, beamforming,and diversitycan be developed to ensure the secrecy of the MC networks.In the Alice-Bob-Eve model, Alice is the legitimate transmitter, whose intended target is the legitimate receiver Bob,while Eve is the eavesdropper that intercepts the information from Alice to Bob.The secrecy performance is quantified via information leakagei.ethe dif ference of the mutual information between the Alice-Bob and Alice-Eve links. The upper bound of the information leakage is called secrecy capacity realized by a specific distribution of the input symbols, namely,capacity-achieving distribution.The secrecy performance of the diffusion-based MC system with concentration shift keying(CSK)is analyzed from an informa- tion-theoretical point of view,providing two paramount secrecy metrics, i.e., secrecy capacity and secure distance[13].How ever, only the estimation of lower bound secrecy capacity is derived as both links attain their channel capacity.The secrecy capacity highly depends on the system parameters such as the average signal energy,diffusion coefficientand reception duration. Moreover, the distance between the transmitter and the eavesdropper is also an important aspect of secrecy per- formance. For both amplitude and energy detection schemes secure distance is proposed as a secret metricover which the eavesdropper is incapable of signal recovery. Despite the case with CSK,the results of the secure metrics vary with the modulation type(e.g.pulse position,spacetype) and reception mechanism(e.g.passive,partially absorbingper fectly absorbing).For ease of understanding,Figure 3 depicts the modulation types and the corresponding CIRs with different reception mechanisms. Novel signa processing techniques and the biochemical channel properties can further assist the secrecy enhancement in the MC system.The molecular beam forming that avoids information disclosure can be realized via the flow generated in the channel.Besidesnew dimensions of diversity, such as the aforementioned molecular diversity of ionic compounds, can beexploited. Note that the feasibility of these methods can be validated by the derived secrecy metrics.

2023-06-13 上传