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3025中英文菜单对照表.docx Machine Status 机器状态 1 Info. Pages 信息薄 1.1 Configuration 配置页 1.1.1 Yes 是 1.1.2 No 否 1.2 Demo Page 演示页 1.2.1 Yes 是 1.2.2 No 否 1.3 Network Conf 网络信息 1.3.1 Yes 是 1.3.2 No 否 1.4 Supplies Info 耗材信息 1.4.1 Yes 是 1.4.2 No 否 1.5 Usage Counter 计数器 1.5.1 Yes 是 1.5.2 No 否 Feature Default 默认功能 2.1 Copy Defaults 复印默认值 2.1.1 Original Size 原始尺寸 A4 A4 A5 A5 B5(JIS) B5(JIS) Letter 信封 Executive 行政公文纸 2.1.2 Copies 复印分数 2.1.3Reduce/Enlarge 缩小/放大 100%(Org.) 100%(原始) Auto Fit 自动调整 104%(EXE-LTR) 104%(行政-信封) 141%(A5- 141%(A5-) The document "3025中英文菜单对照表.docx" provides a comprehensive comparison of the menu options for a particular machine in both Chinese and English. The menu is divided into several sections, including "Machine Status," "Info. Pages," "Configuration," "Demo Page," "Network Conf," "Supplies Info," "Usage Counter," and "Feature Default." Under "Machine Status," users can find information about the configuration, demo pages, network configuration, supplies information, and usage counter of the machine. Each option is labeled in both Chinese and English, with "Yes" and "No" responses. The "Feature Default" section further elaborates on the default functions of the machine, specifically focusing on copy defaults. This includes the original size options such as A4, A5, B5 (JIS), letter, and executive, as well as settings for the number of copies and the reduction/enlargement percentages. Overall, this document serves as a valuable reference for users who are operating the machine and need to navigate its menu options in both Chinese and English. It ensures clear communication and understanding of the various settings and configurations available on the machine.