Probabilistic Dense Reconstruction from a Moving Camera
Yonggen Ling
, Kaixuan Wang
, and Shaojie Shen
Abstract— This paper presents a probabilistic approach for
online dense reconstruction using a single monocular camera
moving through the environment. Compared to spatial stereo,
depth estimation from motion stereo is challenging due to
insufficient parallaxes, visual scale changes, pose errors, etc. We
utilize both the spatial and temporal correlations of consecutive
depth estimates to increase the robustness and accuracy of
monocular depth estimation. An online, recursive, probabilistic
scheme to compute depth estimates, with corresponding co-
variances and inlier probability expectations, is proposed in this
work. We integrate the obtained depth hypotheses into dense 3D
models in an uncertainty-aware way. We show the effectiveness
and efficiency of our proposed approach by comparing it with
state-of-the-art methods in the TUM RGB-D SLAM & ICL-
NUIM dataset. Online indoor and outdoor experiments are also
presented for performance demonstration.
Accurate localization and dense mapping are fundamental
components of autonomous robotic systems as they serve
as the perception input for obstacle avoidance and path
planning. While localization from a monocular camera has
been well discussed in the past [1]–[5], online dense re-
construction using a single moving camera is still under
development [6]–[9]. Since monocular depth estimation is
based on consecutive estimated poses and images, main
issues of it are: imprecise poses due to localization er-
rors, inaccurate visual correspondences due to insufficient
parallaxes and visual scale changes, etc. Depth estimation
from traditional spatial stereo cameras (usually in the front-
parallel setting), however, avoids the issues met with motion
stereo. Thus many algorithms based on stereo cameras have
been developed in the past decades [10, 11]. The significant
drawback of spatial stereo is its baseline limitation: distant
objects can be better estimated using longer baselines be-
cause of larger disparities; while close-up structures can be
better reconstructed using shorter baselines because of larger
visual overlaps. Moreover, for real world applications such as
mobile robots, phones and wearable devices, it is impossible
to equip them with long baseline stereo cameras because
of the size constraint. If the baseline length, compared to
the average scene depth of the perceived environment, is
relatively small, images captured on stereo cameras will be
similar. As a result, visual information from stereo cameras
degrades to the same level as that obtained by a monocular
Tencent AI Lab, China.
The Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology, Hong Kong, SAR China. Correspondence to: Yonggen
Ling, Kaixuan Wang and Shaojie Shen
{kwangap, eeshaojie} This work was partially sup-
ported by HKUST institutional studentship.
(a) Dense indoor reconstruction for
motion planning.
(b) Meshing view of indoor recon-
struction for visualization.
(c) Dense outdoor reconstruction for
motion planning.
(d) Meshing view of indoor recon-
struction for visualization.
Fig. 1. Dense reconstruction of an indoor/outdoor environment from
a single moving camera. (a)(c) Reconstruction for robotic applications,
such as motion planning and obstacle avoidance. Colors vary w.r.t. the
height to show the structure of the reconstructed dense environment.
(b)(d) Meshing view by applying marching cubes [12] on TSDFs for
visualization. More details can be found at:!
Fundamentally different from passive cameras, time-of-
flight (TOF) cameras as well as structure-light cameras,
emit light actively. They are able to provide high accuracy
depth measurements. With the advent of Microsoft Kinect
and ASUS Xtion, dense reconstruction algorithms based on
active depth cameras [13]–[15] have achieved impressive
results in recent years. Unfortunately, active sensors do not
work under strong sunlight, which limits their application to
indoor environments.
This paper focuses on dense reconstructions using a single
monocular camera, which adapts to both indoor and outdoor
environments with various scene depth ranges. Comparing
to existing methods [7, 9, 13]–[16], we make careful im-
provements to multiple sub-modules of the whole mapping
pipeline, resulting in substantial gains in the mapping perfor-
mance. The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
• A joint probabilistic consideration of depth estimation
and integration.
• A detailed discussion of aggregated costs and their
probability modeling.
• An online, recursive, probabilistic depth estimation
scheme that utilizes both the spatial and temporal cor-
relations of consecutive depth estimates.
• Open-source implementations available at
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Madrid, Spain, October 1-5, 2018
978-1-5386-8093-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 6364